ÿþ§ Translation File to: ENGLISH § {a,b,c,d,e} codes: a: VCL-component type >> a=1: MainMenu § a=2: PageControl § a=3: GroupBox § a=4: CheckBoxRadio § a=5: Buttons § a=6: Labels § a=7: Panels § a=8: Headlines § a=9: OK-Messages § a=10: Decide-Dialogues § a=11: Diagram Axis § a=12: Attention Messages § a=13: Others § b: component sub-type >> b=1: e.g. Headline § b=2: ... § c: sub-menu group >> c=1: Main Window § c=2: Shortcut Menu § c=3: Open File Menu § d: sub-menu number >> d=1: ... § e: component number >> e=1: e.g. menu column §------------------------------------------------------------------- § 1. MainMenu §------------------------------------------------------------------- Files{1,1,1,1,1} § Files Communication{1,1,1,1,2} § Communication Measurement{1,1,1,1,3} § Measurement Control{1,1,1,1,4} § Control Calibration{1,1,1,1,5} § Calibration Background Processes{1,1,1,1,6} § Background Processes Configuration{1,1,1,1,7} § Configuration Language{1,1,1,1,8} § Language §------------Files---------------------- Open File{1,2,1,1,1} § Open File Concatenate Files{1,2,1,1,2} § Concatenate Files Save Current Configuration{1,2,1,1,3} § Save Current Configuration Local Settings (netCDF / BUFR){1,2,1,1,4} § Local Settings (netCDF / BUFR) Define Data Directories{1,2,1,1,5} § Define Data Directories Level 2 Data Post Processor{1,2,1,1,6} § Level 2 Data Post Processor Transform to ASCII{1,2,1,1,7} § Transform to ASCII Transform to netCDF{1,2,1,1,8} § Transform to netCDF Transform to BUFR{1,2,1,1,9} § Transform to BUFR Convert BRT to WVL/OLC{1,2,1,1,10} § Convert BRT to WVL/OLC Enter Frequency Shifts{1,2,1,1,11} § Enter Frequency Shifts Quit{1,2,1,1,12} § Quit §------------Open File------------------ Temperature Profile Chart (Full Troposphere){1,3,1,1,1} § Temperature Profile Chart (Full Troposphere) Temperature Profile Chart (Boundary Layer){1,3,1,1,2} § Temperature Profile Chart (Boundary Layer) Humidity Profile Chart (Full Troposphere){1,3,1,1,3} § Humidity Profile Chart (Full Troposphere) Liquid Water Profile Chart (Full Troposphere){1,3,1,1,4} § Liquid Water Profile Chart (Full Troposphere) Oxygen Line Chart{1,3,1,1,5} § Oxygen Line Chart Water Vapour Line Chart{1,3,1,1,6} § Water Vapour Line Chart Brightness Temperature Chart{1,3,1,1,7} § Brightness Temperature Chart Boundary Layer Scan Brightness Temperature Chart{1,3,1,1,8} § Boundary Layer Scan Brightness Temperature Chart Liquid Water Path (LWP){1,3,1,1,9} § Liquid Water Path (LWP) 2D LWP Map{1,3,1,1,10} § 2D LWP Map LWP Hovmoeller Diagram{1,3,1,1,11} § LWP Hovmoeller Diagram Integrated Water Vapour (IWV){1,3,1,1,12} § Integrated Water Vapour (IWV) 2D IWV Map{1,3,1,1,13} § 2D IWV Map IWV Hovmoeller Diagram{1,3,1,1,14} § IWV Hovmoeller Diagram Atmospheric Attenuation{1,3,1,1,15} § Atmospheric Attenuation Infrared Radiometer Data{1,3,1,1,16} § Infrared Radiometer Data 2D IRT Map{1,3,1,1,17} § 2D IRT Map IRT Hovmoeller Diagram{1,3,1,1,18} § IRT Hovmoeller Diagram Cloud Base Height{1,3,1,1,19} § Cloud Base Height Meteorological Sensors{1,3,1,1,20} § Meteorological Sensors Stability Indices{1,3,1,1,21} § Stability Indices Housekeeping Data{1,3,1,1,22} § Housekeeping Data Absolute Calibration History{1,3,1,1,23} § Absolute Calibration History §-----------Communication---------------- Serial Configuration{1,4,1,1,1} § Serial Configuration Connect to Radiometer(s){1,4,1,1,2} § Connect to Radiometer(s) Disconnect Host from Radiometer{1,4,1,1,3} § Disconnect Host from Radiometer Transfer Data Files{1,4,1,1,4} § Transfer Data Files §------------Measurement----------------- Measurement Definition{1,5,1,1,1} § Measurement Definition Send Configuration{1,5,1,1,2} § Send Configuration Start Batch Processing{1,5,1,1,3} § Start Batch Processing Stop Measurement{1,5,1,1,4} § Stop Measurement Continue Halted Measurement{1,5,1,1,5} § Continue Halted Measurement Terminate Measurement{1,5,1,1,6} § Terminate Measurement §--------------Control------------------- Diagnostics{1,6,1,1,1} § Diagnostics Online{1,6,1,1,2} § Online Offline{1,6,1,1,3} § Offline License Manager{1,6,1,1,4} § License Manager §------------Calibration----------------- Absolute Calibration{1,7,1,1,1} § Absolute Calibration Automatic Calibration History{1,7,1,1,2} § Automatic Calibration History Adjusting Azimuth Position{1,7,1,1,3} § Adjusting Azimuth Position §--------Background Processes------------ Activate Automatic Viewer{1,8,1,1,1} § Activate Automatic Viewer Current Samples File Generation{1,8,1,1,2} § Current Samples File Generation §-----------Configuration---------------- §-------------Languages------------------ English{1,10,1,1,1} § English Chinese{1,10,1,1,2} § Chinese Spanish{1,10,1,1,3} § Spanish French{1,10,1,1,4} § French German{1,10,1,1,5} § German Italian{1,10,1,1,6} § Italian §------------------------------------------------------------------- § 2. PageControl §------------------------------------------------------------------- Status and Conf.{2,0,1,1,1} § Status and Conf. BTs{2,0,1,1,2} § BTs 24 Hour History{2,0,1,1,3} § 24 Hour History Time Series{2,0,1,1,4} § Time Series Profiles{2,0,1,1,5} § Profiles Skew-T + Stability{2,0,1,1,6} § Skew-T & Stability Tephigram + Stability{2,0,1,1,7} § Tephigram & Stability Stüve + Stability{2,0,1,1,8} § Stüve & Stability Emagram + Stability{2,0,1,1,9} § Emagram & Stability 2D-Maps{2,0,1,1,10} § 2D-Maps Attenuation{2,0,1,1,11} § Attenuation Sat. Tracking{2,0,1,1,12} § Sat. Tracking Housekeeping{2,0,1,1,13} § Housekeeping §--------------MDF Menu----------------- Sky Tipping{2,0,2,1,1} § Sky Tipping Standard Calibrations{2,0,2,1,2} § Standard Calibrations Products + Integration{2,0,2,1,3} § Products + Integration Scanning{2,0,2,1,4} § Scanning Timing + ...{2,0,2,1,5} § Timing + ... MDF + MBF Storage{2,0,2,1,6} § MDF + MBF Storage §---------Diagnostics Menu-------------- Elevation / Azimuth{2,0,2,2,1} § Elevation / Azimuth Channel Voltages{2,0,2,2,2} § Channel Voltages Sensor Calibration{2,0,2,2,3} § Sensor Calibration Radiometer System{2,0,2,2,4} § Radiometer System §------------------------------------------------------------------- § 3. GroupBox §------------------------------------------------------------------- §-----------------------Main Menu------------------------------ §---------Status and Conf.-------------- Host Configuration{3,0,1,1,1} § Host Configuration Timing of Automatic Calibrations{3,0,1,1,2} § Timing of Automatic Calibrations Gain Calibrations{3,0,1,1,3} § Gain Calibrations Noise Calibrations{3,0,1,1,4} § Noise Calibrations Sky Tipping Calibrations{3,0,1,1,5} § Sky Tipping Current Settings{3,0,1,1,6} § Current Settings Change Settings{3,0,1,1,7} § Change Settings Thresholds{3,0,1,1,8} § Thresholds Master Radiometer Status{3,0,1,1,9} § Master Radiometer Status Slave Radiometer Status{3,0,1,1,10} § Slave Radiometer Status GPS-Clock{3,0,1,1,11} § GPS-Clock Real Time Clock{3,0,1,1,12} § Real Time Clock Temperatures{3,0,1,1,13} § Temperatures Calibrations{3,0,1,1,14} § Calibrations Measurement{3,0,1,1,15} § Measurement Controllers{3,0,1,1,16} § Controllers Infrared Radiometer(s){3,0,1,1,17} § Infrared Radiometer(s) Flash Disk Capacity{3,0,1,1,18} § Flash Disk Capacity Other Surface Sensors{3,0,1,1,19} § Other Surface Sensors Position{3,0,1,1,20} § Position §-----------------BTs-------------------- Brightness Temperatures [K]{3,0,1,2,1} § Brightness Temperatures [K] Current Parameters{3,0,1,2,2} § Current Parameters Boundary Layer Scans{3,0,1,2,3} § Boundary Layer Scans TB Window 1{3,0,1,2,4} § TB Window 1 TB Window 2{3,0,1,2,5} § TB Window 2 TB Window 3{3,0,1,2,6} § TB Window 3 Line Profiles{3,0,1,2,7} § Line Profiles §-----------24 Hour History-------------- IWV Time Series [kg/m^2](Last 3 Hours){3,0,1,3,1} § IWV Time Series [kg/m^2](Last 3 Hours) IWV Time Series [kg/m^2](Last 6 Hours){3,0,1,3,2} § IWV Time Series [kg/m^2](Last 6 Hours) IWV Time Series [kg/m^2](Last 12 Hours){3,0,1,3,3} § IWV Time Series [kg/m^2](Last 12 Hours) IWV Time Series [kg/m^2](Last 24 Hours){3,0,1,3,4} § IWV Time Series [kg/m^2](Last 24 Hours) LWP Time Series [g/m^2](Last 3 Hours){3,0,1,3,5} § LWP Time Series [g/m^2](Last 3 Hours) LWP Time Series [g/m^2](Last 6 Hours){3,0,1,3,6} § LWP Time Series [g/m^2](Last 6 Hours) LWP Time Series [g/m^2](Last 12 Hours){3,0,1,3,7} § LWP Time Series [g/m^2](Last 12 Hours) LWP Time Series [g/m^2](Last 24 Hours){3,0,1,3,8} § LWP Time Series [g/m^2](Last 24 Hours) Met. Surface Sensors (Last 3 Hours){3,0,1,3,9} § Met. Surface Sensors (Last 3 Hours) Met. Surface Sensors (Last 6 Hours){3,0,1,3,10} § Met. Surface Sensors (Last 6 Hours) Met. Surface Sensors (Last 12 Hours){3,0,1,3,11} § Met. Surface Sensors (Last 12 Hours) Met. Surface Sensors (Last 24 Hours){3,0,1,3,12} § Met. Surface Sensors (Last 24 Hours) Relative Humidity{3,0,1,3,13} § Relative Humidity Absolute Humidity{3,0,1,3,14} § Absolute Humidity Temperature Profiles{3,0,1,3,15} § Temperature Profiles Liquid Water Profiles{3,0,1,3,16} § Liquid Water Profiles Altit. Scale [m]{3,0,1,3,17} § Altit. Scale [m] Color Scale{3,0,1,3,18} § Color Scale Contours{3,0,1,3,19} § Contours §-------------Time Series---------------- Integrated Water Vapour (IWV) [kg/m^2]{3,0,1,4,1} § Integrated Water Vapour (IWV) [kg/m^2] Wet Delay [mm]{3,0,1,4,2} § Wet Delay [mm] Liquid Water Path (LWP) [g/m^2]{3,0,1,4,3} § Liquid Water Path (LWP) [g/m^2] Cloud Base Height (CBH) [m]{3,0,1,4,4} § Cloud Base Height (CBH) [m] Surface Sensors (MET){3,0,1,4,5} § Surface Sensors (MET) §--------------Profiles------------------ Boundary Layer Temp. Profile (0-2000 m){3,0,1,5,1} § Boundary Layer Temp. Profile (0-2000 m) Temp. Profile (0-10000 m){3,0,1,5,2} § Temp. Profile (0-10000 m) Composite Temp. Profile (0-10000 m){3,0,1,5,3} § Composite Temp. Profile (0-10000 m) Absolute Humidity Profile (0-10000 m){3,0,1,5,4} § Absolute Humidity Profile (0-10000 m) Relative Humidity Profile (0-10000 m){3,0,1,5,5} § Relative Humidity Profile (0-10000 m) Liquid Water Profile (0-10000 m){3,0,1,5,6} § Liquid Water Profile (0-10000 m) §--------Skew-T & Stability-------------- Skew-T Diagram{3,0,1,6,1} § Skew-T Diagram Tephigram{3,0,1,6,2} § Tephigram Stüve Diagram{3,0,1,6,3} § Stüve Diagram Emagram{3,0,1,6,4} § Emagram Stability Indices{3,0,1,6,5} § Stability Indices Indices{3,0,1,6,6} § Indices Diagram Type{3,0,1,6,7} § Diagram Type Diagram Legend{3,0,1,6,8} § Diagram Legend Cursor{3,0,1,6,9} § Cursor §--------------2D-Maps------------------- 2D-Scans{3,0,1,7,1} § 2D-Scans Hovmöller Diagrams{3,0,1,7,2} § Hovmöller Diagrams Normalized IWV [kg/m^2]{3,0,1,7,3} § Normalized IWV [kg/m^2] Normalized LWP [g/m^2]{3,0,1,7,4} § Normalized LWP [g/m^2] IR Temperature [°C]{3,0,1,7,5} § IR Temperature [°C] Obstacles{3,0,1,7,6} § Obstacles Base T/D{3,0,1,7,7} § Base Time/Date O.Ranges{3,0,1,7,8} § Obstacle Ranges Color Sc.{3,0,1,7,9} § Color Scale §-----------Attenuation------------------ Attenuation [dB] Time Series{3,0,1,8,1} § Attenuation [dB] Time Series Optical Thickness (Tau) Time Series{3,0,1,8,2} § Optical Thickness (Tau) Time Series Spectral Attenuation{3,0,1,8,3} § Spectral Attenuation §----------Housekeeping------------------ Temperatures{3,0,1,9,1} § Temperatures Receiver Stability / Flash Disk Capacity{3,0,1,9,2} § Receiver Stability / Flash Disk Capacity Digital Flags{3,0,1,9,3} § Digital Flags Quality Flags{3,0,1,9,4} § Quality Flags GPS Position{3,0,1,9,5} § GPS Position Alarm{3,0,1,9,6} § Alarm §-----------------------Shortcut Menus------------------------------ §-----------Data Directory--------------- Data Directory{3,0,2,1,1} § Data Directory File Formats{3,0,2,1,2} § File Formats Data File Archiving{3,0,2,1,3} § Data File Archiving Lowest Dir. Level{3,0,2,1,4} § Lowest Dir. Level Auto File Concat.{3,0,2,1,5} § Auto File Concat. Quicklooks Generation{3,0,2,1,6} § Quicklooks Generation §----------QL Diagram List--------------- Brightness Temps{3,0,2,2,1} § Brightness Temps 24 Hour Atmospheric Data{3,0,2,2,2} § 24 Hour Atmospheric Data Current Time Series{3,0,2,2,3} § Current Time Series Current Trop. Profiles{3,0,2,2,4} § Current Trop. Profiles Thermodynamic Diagrams + Stability{3,0,2,2,5} § Thermodynamic Diagrams + Stability 2D-Maps{3,0,2,2,6} § 2D-Maps Attenuation{3,0,2,2,7} § Attenuation Housekeeping{3,0,2,2,8} § Housekeeping Others{3,0,2,2,9} § Others §-------------TransToAD------------------ Products{3,0,2,3,1} § Products Select Retrieval{3,0,2,3,2} § Select Retrieval Auto Transform{3,0,2,3,3} § Auto Transform Retrieval Set{3,0,2,3,4} § Retrieval Set Brightness Temperature Data File{3,0,2,3,5} § Brightness Temperature Data File MET Sensor Files{3,0,2,3,6} § MET Sensor Files Infrared Radiometer Files{3,0,2,3,7} § Infrared Radiometer Files Level 2 Data Quality{3,0,2,3,8} § Level 2 Data Quality O2 Line Filter Shifts{3,0,2,3,9} § O2 Line Filter Shifts §-----------SelectFileList--------------- Host PC{3,0,2,4,1} § Host PC Files{3,0,2,4,2} § Files File Path{3,0,2,4,3} § File Path §-------------SerComPorts---------------- Master COM Port{3,0,2,5,1} § Master COM Port Azimuth Drive COM Port{3,0,2,5,2} § Azimuth Drive COM Port Slave COM Port{3,0,2,5,3} § Slave COM Port §--------------Transfer------------------ Master Radiometer{3,0,2,6,1} § Master Radiometer Transfer Status{3,0,2,6,2} § Transfer Status Free Disk Space{3,0,2,6,3} § Free Disk Space §---------AbsoluteCalibration------------ Calibration Status{3,0,2,7,1} § Calibration Status Channel Information{3,0,2,7,2} § Channel Information Receiver 1{3,0,2,7,3} § Receiver 1 Receiver 2{3,0,2,7,4} § Receiver 2 Time on Load{3,0,2,7,5} § Time on Load Amb. Target{3,0,2,7,6} § Amb. Target LN-Temp.{3,0,2,7,7} § LN-Temp. Elev. Angle{3,0,2,7,8} § Elev. Angle LN-Target Pos.{3,0,2,7,9} § LN-Target Pos. Rec. Selection{3,0,2,7,10} § Rec. Selection Ambient Target{3,0,2,7,11} § Ambient Target Pressure Corr.{3,0,2,7,12} § Pressure Corr. Integration Time{3,0,2,7,13} § Integration Time Rec. Frequencies{3,0,2,7,14} § Rec. Frequencies §------------AdjustAzimuth--------------- Location on Earth{3,0,2,8,1} § Location on Earth Object Position (EL/AZ){3,0,2,8,2} § Object Position (EL/AZ) §---------------DefMeas------------------ Timing{3,0,2,9,1} § Timing Blank Period{3,0,2,9,2} § Blank Period Scan Angles [DEG]{3,0,2,9,3} § Scan Angles [DEG] Elevation{3,0,2,9,4} § Elevation Azimuth{3,0,2,9,5} § Azimuth Calibrated Frequency Bands{3,0,2,9,6} § Calibrated Frequency Bands Calib. History (CAL.LOG){3,0,2,9,7} § Calib. History (CAL.LOG) Quality Ckeck Thresholds{3,0,2,9,8} § Quality Ckeck Thresholds Averaging{3,0,2,9,9} § Averaging Relative Calibrations (Gain Drifts){3,0,2,9,10} § Relative Calibrations (Gain Drifts) Calibration with secondary standards (noise diode){3,0,2,9,11} § Calibration with secondary standards (noise diode) Trigger{3,0,2,9,12} § Trigger List of Products{3,0,2,9,13} § List of Products Corresponding Retrievals{3,0,2,9,14} § Corresponding Retrievals Total Integr.Time{3,0,2,9,15} § Total Integr.Time Boundary Layer Scan Mode{3,0,2,9,16} § Boundary Layer Scan Mode Scan Type{3,0,2,9,17} § Scan Type Constant Angles{3,0,2,9,18} § Constant Angles General Scan{3,0,2,9,19} § General Scan Satellite Tracking{3,0,2,9,20} § Satellite Tracking Tracking of Astronomical Objects{3,0,2,9,21} § Tracking of Astronomical Objects Scans{3,0,2,9,22} § Scans Frames{3,0,2,9,23} § Frames 2D Scans{3,0,2,9,24} § 2D Scans Repetitions{3,0,2,9,25} § Repetitions Termination{3,0,2,9,26} § Termination UNLIMITED-Mode{3,0,2,9,27} § UNLIMITED-Mode LIMITED-Mode{3,0,2,9,28} § LIMITED-Mode Measurement Start Time{3,0,2,9,29} § Measurement Start Time Time Reference{3,0,2,9,30} § Time Reference Dew Blower Heater{3,0,2,9,31} § Dew Blower Heater Data Smoothing{3,0,2,9,32} § Data Smoothing Self-Sustaining Rad. Operation{3,0,2,9,33} § Self-Sustaining Rad. Operation Level 2 Data Quality{3,0,2,9,34} § Level 2 Data Quality Sun Treatment in Scans{3,0,2,9,35} § Sun Treatment in Scans MDF Storage{3,0,2,9,36} § MDF Storage Batch File Contents{3,0,2,9,37} § Batch File Contents §-----------SendConfiguration-------------- Batch File Content{3,0,2,10,1} § Batch File Content Check List{3,0,2,10,2} § Check List Available Frequencies{3,0,2,10,3} § Available Frequencies §---------------SatTrekDet----------------- Scan Trigger{3,0,2,11,1} § Scan Trigger Scan Objects{3,0,2,11,2} § Scan Objects Scan Angle Ranges{3,0,2,11,3} § Scan Angle Ranges Radiometer Altitude{3,0,2,11,4} § Radiometer Altitude Navigation Info Source{3,0,2,11,5} § Navigation Info Source §---------------Diagnostic----------------- Elevation (Master){3,0,2,12,1} § Scan Trigger Elevation (Slave){3,0,2,12,2} § Scan Trigger Relative Move{3,0,2,12,3} § Relative Move Absolute Position{3,0,2,12,4} § Absolute Position Status{3,0,2,12,5} § Status External Elevation (RPG-DP150-90){3,0,2,12,6} § External Elevation (RPG-DP150-90) General Parameters{3,0,2,12,7} § General Parameters Master Receivers{3,0,2,12,8} § Master Receivers Slave Receivers{3,0,2,12,9} § Slave Receivers Voltage Sources{3,0,2,12,10} § Voltage Sources Status{3,0,2,12,11} § Status Slave Status{3,0,2,12,12} § Slave Status Time Chart{3,0,2,12,13} § Time Chart Files{3,0,2,12,14} § Files Thermal Sensors{3,0,2,12,15} § Thermal Sensors Pressure Sensor{3,0,2,12,16} § Pressure Sensor Humidity Sensor{3,0,2,12,17} § Humidity Sensor IR Radiometer 1{3,0,2,12,18} § IR Radiometer 1 IR Radiometer 2{3,0,2,12,19} § IR Radiometer 2 Voltages{3,0,2,12,20} § Voltages Calibration File Editor{3,0,2,12,21} § Calibration File Editor Receiver 1{3,0,2,12,22} § Receiver 1 Receiver 2{3,0,2,12,23} § Receiver 2 Ambient Temperature Target 1{3,0,2,12,24} § Ambient Temperature Target 1 Ambient Temperature Target 2{3,0,2,12,25} § Ambient Temperature Target 2 Environmental Temperature{3,0,2,12,26} § Environmental Temperature Embedded Master Radiometer PC{3,0,2,12,27} § Embedded Master Radiometer PC Embedded Slave Radiometer PC{3,0,2,12,28} § Embedded Slave Radiometer PC Radiometer Configuration{3,0,2,12,29} § Radiometer Configuration Power Failure Handling{3,0,2,12,30} § Power Failure Handling MDF Comm. LOG File{3,0,2,12,31} § MDF Comm. LOG File Dew Blower Speed{3,0,2,12,32} § Dew Blower Speed Radiometer Time / Date{3,0,2,12,33} § Radiometer Time / Date Set Time / Date{3,0,2,12,34} § Set Time / Date GPS Clock{3,0,2,12,35} § GPS Clock §---------------AutoViewer----------------- Auto Viewer Source Directory{3,0,2,13,1} § Auto Viewer Source Directory Auto Viewer Target Directory{3,0,2,13,2} § Auto Viewer Target Directory Product Scan List {3,0,2,13,3} § Product Scan List Display Speed{3,0,2,13,4} § Display Speed §---------------ContFileGen---------------- File Directory{3,0,2,14,1} § File Directory List of Products{3,0,2,14,2} § List of Products File Interval{3,0,2,14,3} § File Interval Shifting Average{3,0,2,14,4} § Shifting Average §--------------LicenseManager-------------- RPG Access Only{3,0,2,15,1} § RPG Access Only Customer Commands{3,0,2,15,2} § Customer Commands §-------------ApplicationSize-------------- Select a Size (W x H){3,0,2,16,1} § Select a Size (W x H) §----------------WebServer----------------- Instrument ID and Client Password{3,0,2,17,1} § Instrument ID and Client Password Instrument ID{3,0,2,17,2} § Instrument ID Client Password{3,0,2,17,3} § Client Password §---------------EditCFG_ESC---------------- Serial Communication{3,0,2,18,1} § Serial Communication Master COM Cable{3,0,2,18,2} § Master COM Cable Slave COM Cable{3,0,2,18,3} § Slave COM Cable §-------------EditRetrieval---------------- Category{3,0,2,19,1} § Category Included Sensors{3,0,2,19,2} § Included Sensors Numerical Definitions{3,0,2,19,3} § Numerical Definitions Altitude Definition{3,0,2,19,4} § Altitude Definition Frequency Definition{3,0,2,19,5} § Frequency Definition Neural Network Par.{3,0,2,19,6} § Neural Network Par. Elevation Angles{3,0,2,19,7} § Elevation Angles Systematic Comments{3,0,2,19,8} § Systematic Comments §-----------------------Open File Menus------------------------------ §-----------Temp.Profile(FT)--------------- Temperature Contours{3,0,3,1,1} § Temperature Contours Composite Temperature Profiles{3,0,3,1,2} § Composite Temperature Profiles Contour Lines{3,0,3,1,3} § Contour Lines LW Contours{3,0,3,1,4} § LW Contours §------------RadioSondeFiles--------------- Altitude{3,0,3,2,1} § Altitude Temperature{3,0,3,2,2} § Temperature Rel. Humidity{3,0,3,2,3} § Rel. Humidity Database{3,0,3,2,4} § Database §---------------Skew_T--------------------- Stab. Index{3,0,3,3,1} § Stab. Index Levels{3,0,3,3,2} § Levels Cursor{3,0,3,3,3} § Cursor §-------------IRTDispWin------------------- Cloud Base Height{3,0,3,4,1} § Cloud Base Height §------------2D-Displays------------------- Color Scaling{3,0,3,5,1} § Color Scaling Az./El. Scan{3,0,3,5,2} § Az./El. Scan Define Obstacles{3,0,3,5,3} § Define Obstacles Auto Display{3,0,3,5,4} § Auto Display §-------------FilterMenu------------------- Filter Flags{3,0,3,6,1} § Filter Flags Numerical Settings{3,0,3,6,2} § Numerical Settings §-----------HKDFlagsColor------------------ Status Flags{3,0,3,7,1} § Status Flags Rain Flag{3,0,3,7,2} § Rain Flag Dew Blower Operation{3,0,3,7,3} § Dew Blower Operation Boundary Layer Mode{3,0,3,7,4} § Boundary Layer Mode Sky Tipping Calibration{3,0,3,7,5} § Sky Tipping Calibration Gain Calibration{3,0,3,7,6} § Gain Calibration Noise Calibration{3,0,3,7,7} § Noise Calibration Receiver 1 Noise Diode Function{3,0,3,7,8} § Receiver 1 Noise Diode Function Receiver 2 Noise Diode Function{3,0,3,7,9} § Receiver 2 Noise Diode Function Receiver 1 Thermal Stability{3,0,3,7,10} § Receiver 1 Thermal Stability Receiver 2 Thermal Stability{3,0,3,7,11} § Receiver 2 Thermal Stability Recent Power Faliure{3,0,3,7,12} § Recent Power Faliure Ambient Temperature Target Sensor Stability{3,0,3,7,13} § Ambient Temperature Target Sensor Stability Channel Performance {3,0,3,7,14} § Channel Performance §------------CalibHistory------------------ Create Calibration File{3,0,3,8,1} § Create Calibration File §-------------CalResults------------------- Previous Calibration{3,0,3,9,1} § Previous Calibration New Calibration{3,0,3,9,2} § New Calibration §----------ConnectingStatus---------------- COM Ports{3,0,3,10,1} § COM Ports Master Radiometer{3,0,3,10,2} § Master Radiometer Slave Radiometer{3,0,3,10,3} § Slave Radiometer Azimuth Positioner{3,0,3,10,4} § Azimuth Positioner Action{3,0,3,10,5} § Action Connection Result{3,0,3,10,6} § Connection Result §------------EnterTimeDate----------------- Range{3,0,3,11,1} § Range Date/Time Entry{3,0,3,11,2} § Date/Time Entry §---------------Sing1---------------------- WVL Quality{3,0,3,12,1} § WVL Quality O2L Quality{3,0,3,12,2} § O2L Quality §------------------------------------------------------------------- § 4. CheckBoxRadio §------------------------------------------------------------------- §-----------------------Main Menu------------------------------ not at daytime{4,0,1,0,1} § not at daytime ND{4,0,1,0,2} § ND (Noise Diode) N{4,0,1,0,3} § N (Normalize) A{4,0,1,0,4} § A (Automatic) Normalize{4,0,1,0,5} § Normalize Skew-T{4,0,1,0,6} § Skew-T Tephigram{4,0,1,0,7} § Tephigram Emagram{4,0,1,0,8} § Emagram Stüve{4,0,1,0,9} § Stüve Enable{4,0,1,0,10} § Enable Auto{4,0,1,0,11} § Auto (Automatic) Norm.{4,0,1,0,12} § Norm. (Normalize) Scan for COM ports{4,0,1,0,13} § Scan for COM ports Activate Azimuth{4,0,1,0,14} § Activate Azimuth Auto Scaling{4,0,1,0,15} § Auto Scaling §-----------------------Shortcut Menus------------------------------ Automatically store monitored data (Data Directory){4,0,2,0,1} § Automatically store monitored data (Data Directory) Automatic ASCII file generation, *.ASC (Data Directory){4,0,2,0,2} § Automatic ASCII file generation, *.ASC (Data Directory) Automatic netCDF file generation, *.NC (Data Directory){4,0,2,0,3} § Automatic netCDF file generation, *.NC (Data Directory) Automatic BUFR file generation, *.BUF (Data Directory){4,0,2,0,4} § Automatic BUFR file generation, *.BUF (Data Directory) Suppress binary file generation{4,0,2,0,5} § Suppress binary file generation no delay{4,0,2,0,6} § no delay after midnight{4,0,2,0,7} § after midnight 2 days delay{4,0,2,0,8} § 2 days delay monthly{4,0,2,0,9} § monthly daily{4,0,2,0,10} § daily Del. Hours Files{4,0,2,0,11} § Del. Hours Files Bitmap{4,0,2,0,12} § Bitmap JPEG{4,0,2,0,13} § JPEG new filename{4,0,2,0,14} § new filename overwrite{4,0,2,0,15} § overwrite LWP (Liquid Water Path){4,0,2,0,16} § LWP (Liquid Water Path) IWV (Integrated Water Vapour){4,0,2,0,17} § IWV (Integrated Water Vapour) Attenuation{4,0,2,0,18} § Attenuation Humidity Profile (Full Trop.){4,0,2,0,19} § Humidity Profile (Full Trop.) Temp. Profile (Full Trop.){4,0,2,0,20} § Temp. Profile (Full Trop.) Temp. Profile (Boundary Layer){4,0,2,0,21} § Temp. Profile (Boundary Layer) Liquid Water Profile (Full Trop.){4,0,2,0,22} § Liquid Water Profile (Full Trop.) Include Subdirectories{4,0,2,0,23} § Include Subdirectories Flag Data Quality (Level 2){4,0,2,0,24} § Flag Data Quality (Level 2) Remove Medium / Low Q.{4,0,2,0,25} § Remove Medium / Low Q. Remove Low Quality{4,0,2,0,26} § Remove Low Quality Remove Interferences{4,0,2,0,27} § Remove Interferences Couple Directory Trees{4,0,2,0,28} § Couple Directory Trees Conv. Dir. (no Sub-Dirs){4,0,2,0,29} § Conv. Dir. (no Sub-Dirs) Conv. Dir. (incl. Sub-Dirs){4,0,2,0,30} § Conv. Dir. (incl. Sub-Dirs) Activate{4,0,2,0,31} § Activate Auto Connect{4,0,2,0,32} § Auto Connect Try again, if no success{4,0,2,0,33} § Try again, if no success Sync. to Rad. GPS Clock{4,0,2,0,34} § Sync. to Rad. GPS Clock Auto Detect{4,0,2,0,35} § Auto Detect 6 Line Com.{4,0,2,0,36} § 6 Line Com. 2 Line Com.{4,0,2,0,37} § 2 Line Com. System Files Dir.{4,0,2,0,38} § System Files Dir. Data Files Dir.{4,0,2,0,39} § Data Files Dir. Root Dir.{4,0,2,0,40} § Root Dir. 1st Quadrant{4,0,2,0,41} § 1st Quadrant 2nd Quadrant{4,0,2,0,42} § 2nd Quadrant Receiver 1{4,0,2,0,43} § Receiver 1 Receiver 2{4,0,2,0,44} § Receiver 2 Automatic{4,0,2,0,45} § Automatic Use P Value{4,0,2,0,46} § Use P Value Enable Sky Tipping{4,0,2,0,47} § Enable Sky Tipping No Tip during rain{4,0,2,0,48} § No Tip during rain period absol. (0:0:0){4,0,2,0,49} § period absol. (0:0:0) rel. to measur. start{4,0,2,0,50} § rel. to measur. start first cal. @ mea. start{4,0,2,0,51} § first cal. @ mea. start No daytime calib.{4,0,2,0,52} § No daytime calib. Record CHI^2 results{4,0,2,0,53} § Record CHI^2 results Record 2nd Tip (Bilateral){4,0,2,0,54} § Record 2nd Tip (Bilateral) Record correlation factors{4,0,2,0,55} § Record correlation factors Include failed calibrations{4,0,2,0,56} § Include failed calibrations Append to existing file{4,0,2,0,57} § Append to existing file Replace existing file{4,0,2,0,58} § Replace existing file Enable zenith thresholds{4,0,2,0,59} § Enable zenith thresholds Bilateral Tipping{4,0,2,0,60} § Bilateral Tipping Enable CHI^2 thresholds{4,0,2,0,61} § Enable CHI^2 thresholds Enable linear correlation thresholds{4,0,2,0,62} § Enable linear correlation thresholds Enable calibration on ambient target{4,0,2,0,63} § Enable calibration on ambient target Period beginning at measurement start{4,0,2,0,64} § Period beginning at measurement start Period relative to 00:00:00 {4,0,2,0,65} § Period relative to 00:00:00 Append to Calibration Log file (CAL.LOG){4,0,2,0,66} § Append to Calibration Log file (CAL.LOG) Enable ambient target + noise injection calib.{4,0,2,0,67} § Enable ambient target + noise injection calib. Detector Voltages + Cal. Par. + . . .{4,0,2,0,68} § Detector Voltages + Cal. Par. + . . . Brightness Temperatures{4,0,2,0,69} § Brightness Temperatures Brightness Temperatures (BL){4,0,2,0,70} § Brightness Temperatures (BL) Infrared Radiometer Data{4,0,2,0,71} § Infrared Radiometer Data SPC (Spectrum){4,0,2,0,72} § SPC (Spectrum) Atm. Attenuation{4,0,2,0,73} § Atm. Attenuation Via Tmr{4,0,2,0,74} § Via Tmr Tmr Retrieval Overwrite{4,0,2,0,75} § Tmr Retrieval Overwrite Meteorological Sensors{4,0,2,0,76} § Meteorological Sensors Housekeeping Data{4,0,2,0,77} § Housekeeping Data Bilateral Average{4,0,2,0,78} § Bilateral Average Bilateral (Two Scans){4,0,2,0,79} § Bilateral (Two Scans) Const. Angles{4,0,2,0,80} § Const. Angles General Scan{4,0,2,0,81} § General Scan Sat. Tracking{4,0,2,0,82} § Sat. Tracking Astro Tracking{4,0,2,0,83} § Astro Tracking Enable IRR Elevation Coupling{4,0,2,0,84} § Enable IRR Elevation Coupling Turn on Noise Source{4,0,2,0,85} § Turn on Noise Source Multiple 90° Samples{4,0,2,0,86} § Multiple 90° Samples Triggered{4,0,2,0,87} § Triggered Trigger Start by Elevation{4,0,2,0,88} § Trigger Start by Elevation Trigger Stop by Elevation{4,0,2,0,89} § Trigger Stop by Elevation ON / OFF Switching{4,0,2,0,90} § ON / OFF Switching LIMITED{4,0,2,0,91} § LIMITED UNLIMITED{4,0,2,0,92} § UNLIMITED Stop by Time/Date{4,0,2,0,93} § Stop by Time/Date Stop by Duration{4,0,2,0,94} § Stop by Duration Ignore Date{4,0,2,0,95} § Ignore Date Ignore Hour{4,0,2,0,96} § Ignore Hour Raster:{4,0,2,0,97} § Raster: Immediately{4,0,2,0,98} § Immediately UTC{4,0,2,0,99} § UTC Local Time{4,0,2,0,100} § Local Time Always turned on {4,0,2,0,101} § Always turned on Temperature Sensor{4,0,2,0,102} § Temperature Sensor Humidity Sensor{4,0,2,0,103} § Humidity Sensor Enable File Backup{4,0,2,0,104} § Enable File Backup Run Rad. Without Host{4,0,2,0,105} § Run Rad. Without Host Enable Quality Checking{4,0,2,0,106} § Enable Quality Checking Avoid Sun in Scans{4,0,2,0,107} § Avoid Sun in Scans GPS Position{4,0,2,0,108} § GPS Position System Temperatures{4,0,2,0,109} § System Temperatures Thermal Receiver Stability{4,0,2,0,110} § Thermal Receiver Stability Remaining Flash Memory Capacity{4,0,2,0,111} § Remaining Flash Memory Capacity Product Quality Flags{4,0,2,0,112} § Product Quality Flags Status Flags{4,0,2,0,113} § Status Flags Auto Go{4,0,2,0,114} § Auto Go Auto Send{4,0,2,0,115} § Auto Send cw{4,0,2,0,116} § cw (clockwise) ccw{4,0,2,0,117} § ccw (counter-clockwise) Azimuth 0{4,0,2,0,118} § Azimuth 0 Azimuth 180{4,0,2,0,119} § Azimuth 180 Reset Position{4,0,2,0,120} § Reset Position Enable IRR Coupling{4,0,2,0,121} § Enable IRR Coupling position reached{4,0,2,0,122} § position reached position referenced{4,0,2,0,123} § position referenced operating{4,0,2,0,124} § operating driver turned on{4,0,2,0,125} § driver turned on neg. LS{4,0,2,0,126} § neg. LS (Limit Switch) pos. LS{4,0,2,0,127} § pos. LS (Limit Switch) Ignore Azim.{4,0,2,0,128} § Ignore Azim. (Azimuth) ND1{4,0,2,0,129} § ND1 (Noise Diode) ND2{4,0,2,0,130} § ND2 (Noise Diode) Noise Switching (Rec.1){4,0,2,0,131} § Noise Switching (Rec.1) Noise Switching (Rec.2){4,0,2,0,132} § Noise Switching (Rec.2) Change{4,0,2,0,133} § Change Capacitive Sens.{4,0,2,0,134} § Capacitive Sens. Use Voltages{4,0,2,0,135} § Use Voltages original{4,0,2,0,136} § original Enable Current Sample File Generation{4,0,2,0,137} § Enable Current Sample File Generation Append Rel. Humidity to HP-File{4,0,2,0,138} § Append Rel. Humidity to HP-File One Sample / File{4,0,2,0,139} § One Sample / File File Overwrite (Name: CS.XXX){4,0,2,0,140} § File Overwrite (Name: CS.XXX) Archive{4,0,2,0,141} § Archive Concat. archived files{4,0,2,0,142} § Concat. archived files Altitude Axis in asl units{4,0,2,0,143} § Altitude Axis in asl units Web server application enabled{4,0,2,0,144} § Web server application enabled Delete hourly files{4,0,2,0,145} § Delete hourly files Concat Dir. (incl. Sub-Dirs){4,0,2,0,146} § Concat Dir. (incl. Sub-Dirs) Humidity{4,0,2,0,147} § Humidity Temperature{4,0,2,0,148} § Temperature Pressure{4,0,2,0,149} § Pressure Infrared Radiometer{4,0,2,0,150} § Infrared Radiometer Scan Single Satellite{4,0,2,0,151} § Scan Single Satellite Scan All Visible Satellites {4,0,2,0,152} § Scan All Visible Satellites Navigation File{4,0,2,0,153} § Navigation File GPS Clock GSV{4,0,2,0,154} § GPS Clock GSV NDs{4,0,2,0,155} § NDs (Noise Diodes) DSs{4,0,2,0,156} § DSs (Dicke Switches) Noise Switching{4,0,2,0,157} § Noise Switching §-----------------------Open File Menus------------------------------ Enable Filter{4,0,3,0,1} § Enable Filter Interpolate Rain Samples{4,0,3,0,2} § Interpolate Rain Samples Spike Clipping{4,0,3,0,3} § Spike Clipping Enable Averaging{4,0,3,0,4} § Enable Averaging Reverse Order{4,0,3,0,5} § Reverse Order Automatic{4,0,3,0,6} § Automatic Normalize IWV{4,0,3,0,7} § Normalize IWV Normalize LWP{4,0,3,0,8} § Normalize LWP 2D-Scans{4,0,3,0,9} § 2D-Scans Azi-Scans{4,0,3,0,10} § Azi-Scans El-Scans{4,0,3,0,11} § El-Scans Enable Obstacle Mode{4,0,3,0,12} § Enable Obstacle Mode Add Cells{4,0,3,0,13} § Add Cells Delete Cells{4,0,3,0,14} § Delete Cells §------------------------------------------------------------------- § 5. Buttons §------------------------------------------------------------------- §-----------------------Main Menu------------------------------ Change{5,0,1,0,1} § Change Change Per.{5,0,1,0,2} § Change Per. Change All{5,0,1,0,3} § Change All Execute{5,0,1,0,4} § Execute Add{5,0,1,0,5} § Add Del{5,0,1,0,6} § Del ON{5,0,1,0,7} § ON OFF{5,0,1,0,8} § OFF Redraw{5,0,1,0,9} § Redraw Reset{5,0,1,0,10} § Reset Rel. Humidity{5,0,1,0,11} § Rel. Humidity Abs. Humidity{5,0,1,0,12} § Abs. Humidity Info{5,0,1,0,13} § Info (Information) Load Map{5,0,1,0,14} § Load Map Color Legend{5,0,1,0,15} § Color Legend §-----------------------Shortcut Menus------------------------------ Apply{5,0,2,0,1} § Apply Close{5,0,2,0,2} § Close Start Calibration{5,0,2,0,3} § Start Calibration Continue{5,0,2,0,4} § Continue Cancel Calibration{5,0,2,0,5} § Cancel Calibration Add to Archive{5,0,2,0,6} § Add to Archive Overwrite Entry{5,0,2,0,7} § Overwrite Entry Delete From Archive{5,0,2,0,8} § Delete From Archive Start Scan{5,0,2,0,9} § Start Scan Start Viewer{5,0,2,0,10} § Start Viewer Halt Viewer{5,0,2,0,11} § Halt Viewer Continue Viewer{5,0,2,0,12} § Continue Viewer Terminate Viewer{5,0,2,0,13} § Terminate Viewer Yes{5,0,2,0,14} § Yes No{5,0,2,0,15} § No OK{5,0,2,0,16} § OK Open LOG File{5,0,2,0,17} § Open LOG File Delete LOG File{5,0,2,0,18} § Delete LOG File Go Offline{5,0,2,0,19} § Go Offline Resume Immediately{5,0,2,0,20} § Resume Immediately Concatenate Daily Files{5,0,2,0,21} § Concatenate Daily Files Generate Concatenated File{5,0,2,0,22} § Generate Concatenated File Terminate Concatenation{5,0,2,0,23} § Terminate Concatenation Add Settings to CS.CFG{5,0,2,0,24} § Add Settings to CS.CFG Start Archiving{5,0,2,0,25} § Start Archiving QL Diagram List{5,0,2,0,26} § QL Diagram List Cancel{5,0,2,0,27} § Cancel Default Settings{5,0,2,0,28} § Default Settings Define Zenith Thresh.{5,0,2,0,29} § Define Zenith Thresh. Bilateral Tip Thresh.{5,0,2,0,30} § Bilateral Tip Thresh. Define CHI^2 Thresh.{5,0,2,0,31} § Define CHI^2 Thresh. Correlation Thresh.{5,0,2,0,32} § Correlation Thresh. Retrieval File Editor{5,0,2,0,33} § Retrieval File Editor Specify{5,0,2,0,34} § Specify Add{5,0,2,0,35} § Add Overwrite{5,0,2,0,36} § Overwrite Insert{5,0,2,0,37} § Insert Delete{5,0,2,0,38} § Delete Define Details{5,0,2,0,39} § Define Details Load Parameter File (MDF){5,0,2,0,40} § Load Parameter File (MDF) Store Parameter File (MDF){5,0,2,0,41} § Store Parameter File (MDF) Store MDF (ASCII Version){5,0,2,0,42} Store MDF (ASCII Version)Change Load Batch File{5,0,2,0,43} § Load Batch File Save Batch File{5,0,2,0,44} § Save Batch File Move{5,0,2,0,45} § Move Go{5,0,2,0,46} § Go Reference Position{5,0,2,0,47} § Reference Position Random Move{5,0,2,0,48} § Random Move Stop{5,0,2,0,49} § Stop Get Status{5,0,2,0,50} § Get Status Reset{5,0,2,0,51} § Reset See Master Data{5,0,2,0,52} § See Master Data See Slave Data{5,0,2,0,53} § See Slave Data Zoom Out{5,0,2,0,54} § Zoom Out Start{5,0,2,0,55} § Start Load{5,0,2,0,56} § Load Save{5,0,2,0,57} § Save Measure T1{5,0,2,0,58} § Measure T1 Measure T2{5,0,2,0,59} § Measure T2 Aquire P1{5,0,2,0,60} § Aquire P1 Aquire P2{5,0,2,0,61} § Aquire P2 Aquire H1{5,0,2,0,62} § Aquire H1 Aquire H2{5,0,2,0,63} § Aquire H2 Aquire IRR1{5,0,2,0,64} § Aquire IRR1 Aquire IRR2{5,0,2,0,65} § Aquire IRR2 Load Calib. File{5,0,2,0,66} § Load Calib. File Store Calib. File{5,0,2,0,67} § Store Calib. File Reload Calib. File on Radiometer{5,0,2,0,68} § Reload Calib. File on Radiometer Load Parameters from Radiometer{5,0,2,0,69} § Load Parameters from Radiometer Send Parameters to Radiometer{5,0,2,0,70} § Send Parameters to Radiometer Reset Radiometer PC{5,0,2,0,71} § Reset Radiometer PC Set Recovery Mode{5,0,2,0,72} § Set Recovery Mode Clear Recovery Mode{5,0,2,0,73} § Clear Recovery Mode Read Recovery Mode{5,0,2,0,74} § Read Recovery Mode Remove MDFs{5,0,2,0,75} § Remove MDFs Enable File Logging{5,0,2,0,76} § Enable File Logging Disable File Logging{5,0,2,0,77} § Disable File Logging Speed Toggle{5,0,2,0,78} § Speed Toggle Reload Configuration + Shifts{5,0,2,0,79} § Reload Configuration + Shifts Store Config. on Radiometer{5,0,2,0,80} § Store Config. on Radiometer Store Shifts on Radiometer{5,0,2,0,81} § Store Shifts on Radiometer Set Radiometer Time / Date{5,0,2,0,82} § Set Radiometer Time / Date Read GPS Time / Date{5,0,2,0,83} § Read GPS Time / Date GPS Satellite Vectors{5,0,2,0,84} § GPS Satellite Vectors Load Retrieval File{5,0,2,0,85} § Load Retrieval File Generate Template{5,0,2,0,86} § Generate Template Save Retrieval File{5,0,2,0,87} § Save Retrieval File Load Data Matrix{5,0,2,0,88} § Load Data Matrix Print Text Window{5,0,2,0,89} § Print Text Window Load Shift File{5,0,2,0,90} § Load Shift File Store Shift File{5,0,2,0,91} § Store Shift File Gain{5,0,2,0,92} § Gain Tsys{5,0,2,0,93} § Tsys Tnoise{5,0,2,0,94} § Tnoise Sync. Diagrams{5,0,2,0,95} § Sync. Diagrams Reload CAL.LOG{5,0,2,0,96} § Reload CAL.LOG Home{5,0,2,0,97} § Home Radio Soundings{5,0,2,0,98} § Radio Soundings Activate Unlimited License{5,0,2,0,99} § Activate Unlimited License Generate License Code (Radiometer Connected){5,0,2,0,100} § Generate License Code (Radiometer Connected) Generate License Code (from LicID.DAT){5,0,2,0,101} § Generate License Code (from LicID.DAT) Get License Status{5,0,2,0,102} § Get License Status Get License ID from Radiometer{5,0,2,0,103} § Get License ID from Radiometer Send License Code{5,0,2,0,104} § Send License Code Convert{5,0,2,0,105} § Convert Load MDF/MBF File{5,0,2,0,106} § Load MDF/MBF File Send{5,0,2,0,107} § Send Scan COM Ports{5,0,2,0,108} § Scan COM Ports Connect{5,0,2,0,109} § Connect Purge Meas. Files{5,0,2,0,110} § Purge Meas. Files Generate Transform of Single LV1 File{5,0,2,0,111} § Generate Transform of Single LV1 File Generate Transform from All Selected LV1 Files{5,0,2,0,112} § Generate Transform from All Selected LV1 Files Start Transform Process{5,0,2,0,113} § Start Transform Process Term. Transform Process{5,0,2,0,114} § Term. Transform Process Terminate ASCII Conversion{5,0,2,0,115} § Terminate ASCII Conversion Terminate netCDF Conversion{5,0,2,0,116} § Terminate netCDF Conversion Terminate BUFR Conversion{5,0,2,0,117} § Terminate BUFR Conversion Terminate WVL/OLC Conversion{5,0,2,0,118} § Terminate WVL/OLC Conversion Terminate Archiving{5,0,2,0,119} § Terminate Archiving Store Client Password File (WS.CPW){5,0,2,0,120} § Store Client Password File (WS.CPW) Set{5,0,2,0,121} § Set Generate LWP File{5,0,2,0,122} § Generate LWP File Generate IWV File{5,0,2,0,123} § Generate IWV File Generate ATN File{5,0,2,0,124} § Generate ATN File Generate Humidity Profile{5,0,2,0,125} § Generate Humidity Profile Generate Temperature Profile{5,0,2,0,126} § Generate Temperature Profile Generate LW Profile{5,0,2,0,127} § Generate LW Profile §-----------------------Open File Menus------------------------------ Save Filtered File{5,0,3,0,1} § Save Filtered File Load History File{5,0,3,0,2} § Load History File Delete Last Entries{5,0,3,0,3} § Delete Last Entries Show Current Calibration{5,0,3,0,4} § Show Current Calibration Parameter Time Series{5,0,3,0,5} § Parameter Time Series Generate{5,0,3,0,6} § Generate Load RS File{5,0,3,0,7} § Load RS File Add to Database{5,0,3,0,8} § Add to Database Del. from Database{5,0,3,0,9} § Del. from Database Load IWV File{5,0,3,0,10} § Load IWV File Load IRT File{5,0,3,0,11} § Load IRT File Load LWP File{5,0,3,0,12} § Load LWP File Blank Angle{5,0,3,0,13} § Blank Angle Show Angle{5,0,3,0,14} § Show Angle Time Series{5,0,3,0,15} § Time Series Load Attenuation Chart{5,0,3,0,16} § Load Attenuation Chart Select Profile{5,0,3,0,17} § Select Profile Load Profile Chart{5,0,3,0,18} § Load Profile Chart Filter{5,0,3,0,19} § Filter Redr.{5,0,3,0,20} § Redr. (Redraw) Rescale{5,0,3,0,21} § Rescale Load CBH Chart{5,0,3,0,22} § Load CBH Chart Reverse{5,0,3,0,23} § Reverse Clear Obstacles{5,0,3,0,24} § Clear Obstacles Load IRT File{5,0,3,0,25} § Load IRT File Load TB / IWV File{5,0,3,0,26} § Load TB / IWV File Load TB / LWP File{5,0,3,0,27} § Load TB / LWP File Load HKD File{5,0,3,0,28} § Load HKD File Display Temperatures{5,0,3,0,29} § Display Temperatures Display Status Flags{5,0,3,0,30} § Display Status Flags Display GPS Position{5,0,3,0,31} § Display GPS Position Display Rec. Stability{5,0,3,0,32} § Display Rec. Stability Display Quality Flags{5,0,3,0,33} § Display Quality Flags Display Flash Memory{5,0,3,0,34} § Display Flash Memory Import RS Data{5,0,3,0,35} § Import RS Data Display RS Data{5,0,3,0,36} § Display RS Data Hide RS Data{5,0,3,0,37} § Hide RS Data Select by Cursor{5,0,3,0,38} § Select by Cursor Enter Date/Time{5,0,3,0,39} § Enter Date/Time Generate Composite Temperature Profile Chart{5,0,3,0,40} § Generate Composite Temperature Profile Chart Load IRT Chart{5,0,3,0,41} § Load IRT Chart Create CBH (Cloud Base Height) File{5,0,3,0,42} § Create CBH (Cloud Base Height) File Load IWV Chart{5,0,3,0,43} § Load IWV Chart Load LWP Chart{5,0,3,0,44} § Load LWP Chart Zero Line ON{5,0,3,0,45} § Zero Line ON Zero Line OFF{5,0,3,0,46} § Zero Line OFF Delete LOG File{5,0,3,0,47} § Delete LOG File Load Sensor Chart{5,0,3,0,48} § Load Sensor Chart Load Index Chart{5,0,3,0,49} § Load Index Chart Dewpoint{5,0,3,0,50} § Dewpoint §------------------------------------------------------------------- § 6. Labels §------------------------------------------------------------------- §-----------------------Main Menu------------------------------ §---------Status and Conf.-------------- Data Directory:{6,0,1,1,1} § Data Directory: Automatic ASCII file generation:{6,0,1,1,2} § Automatic ASCII file generation: Autom. netCDF file generation:{6,0,1,1,3} § Autom. netCDF file generation: Autom. BUFR file generation:{6,0,1,1,4} § Autom. BUFR file generation: Suppress binary file generation:{6,0,1,1,5} § Suppress binary file generation: Data File Archiving:{6,0,1,1,6} § Data File Archiving: Archive Period:{6,0,1,1,7} § Archive Period: NO{6,0,1,1,8} § NO YES{6,0,1,1,9} § YES MONTHLY{6,0,1,1,10} § MONTHLY DAILY{6,0,1,1,11} § DAILY Last Calib.:{6,0,1,1,12} § Last Calib.: Next Calib.:{6,0,1,1,13} § Next Calib.: Integration Time:{6,0,1,1,14} § Integration Time: Period:{6,0,1,1,15} § Period: R1 LC:{6,0,1,1,16} § R1 LC: (Receiver 1, Linear Correlation) R2 LC:{6,0,1,1,17} § R2 LC: (Receiver 2, Linear Correlation) R1 Ch2:{6,0,1,1,18} § R1 Ch2: (Receiver 1, Ch^2 Threshold) R2 Ch2:{6,0,1,1,19} § R2 Ch2: (Receiver 2, Ch^2 Threshold) Angles:{6,0,1,1,20} § Angles: Software Version:{6,0,1,1,21} § Software Version: Cable:{6,0,1,1,22} § Cable: R1:{6,0,1,1,23} § R1: (Receiver 1) R2:{6,0,1,1,24} § R2: (Receiver 2) GPS Status:{6,0,1,1,25} § GPS Status: Position:{6,0,1,1,26} § Position: Radiometer Time:{6,0,1,1,27} § Radiometer Time: Radiometer Date:{6,0,1,1,28} § Radiometer Date: RTC Status:{6,0,1,1,29} § RTC Status: (Real Time Clock) Environment:{6,0,1,1,30} § Environment: Ambient Target:{6,0,1,1,31} § Ambient Target: Receiver 1:{6,0,1,1,32} § Receiver 1: Receiver 2:{6,0,1,1,33} § Receiver 2: Rec.1 Stability:{6,0,1,1,34} § Rec.1 Stability: Rec.2 Stability:{6,0,1,1,35} § Rec.2 Stability: Unit:{6,0,1,1,36} § Unit: Gain Calibration:{6,0,1,1,37} § Gain Calibration: Noise Calibration:{6,0,1,1,38} § Noise Calibration: Sky Tipping:{6,0,1,1,39} § Sky Tipping: Main Contr.:{6,0,1,1,40} § Main Contr.: Elev. Stepper:{6,0,1,1,41} § Elev. Stepper: Cal. Stepper:{6,0,1,1,42} § Cal. Stepper: Rad. Azimuth:{6,0,1,1,43} § Rad. Azimuth: Met. Station:{6,0,1,1,44} § Met. Station: Receivers:{6,0,1,1,45} § Receivers: Capacity [kBytes]:{6,0,1,1,46} § Capacity [kBytes]: Barometric Pressure:{6,0,1,1,47} § Barometric Pressure: Relative Humidity:{6,0,1,1,48} § Relative Humidity: Wind Speed:{6,0,1,1,49} § Wind Speed: Wind Direction:{6,0,1,1,50} § Wind Direction: Rain Flag:{6,0,1,1,51} § Rain Flag: Elevation MW / IR:{6,0,1,1,52} § Elevation MW / IR: Azimuth Angle:{6,0,1,1,53} § Azimuth Angle: Bound. Lay.-Scan:{6,0,1,1,54} § Bound. Lay.-Scan: Time Reference:{6,0,1,1,55} § Time Reference: Date:{6,0,1,1,56} § Date: Time:{6,0,1,1,57} § Time: File Backup:{6,0,1,1,58} § File Backup: Batch Repetition:{6,0,1,1,59} § Batch Repetition: Batch File:{6,0,1,1,60} § Batch File: MDF List:{6,0,1,1,61} § MDF List: Retrievals:{6,0,1,1,62} § Retrievals: MDF Duration:{6,0,1,1,63} § MDF Duration: MDF Start:{6,0,1,1,64} § MDF Start: MDF Stop:{6,0,1,1,65} § MDF Stop: Filename:{6,0,1,1,66} § Filename: LV0 File:{6,0,1,1,67} § LV0 File: 2 Lines{6,0,1,1,68} § 2 Lines (cable wires) 6 Lines{6,0,1,1,69} § 6 Lines (cable wires) not responding{6,0,1,1,70} § not responding responding{6,0,1,1,71} § responding Internal{6,0,1,1,72} § Internal Cal. Stepper:{6,0,1,1,73} § Cal. Stepper: IRR Stepper:{6,0,1,1,74} § IRR Stepper: NO RAIN{6,0,1,1,75} § NO RAIN RAINING{6,0,1,1,76} § RAINING INACTIVE{6,0,1,1,77} § INACTIVE RUNNING{6,0,1,1,78} § RUNNING CALIBRATING...{6,0,1,1,79} § CALIBRATING... No GPS-Receiver!{6,0,1,1,80} § No GPS-Receiver! GPS-Rec. active!{6,0,1,1,81} § GPS-Rec. active! Positioning...{6,0,1,1,82} § Positioning... STANDBY{6,0,1,1,83} § STANDBY MEAS. RUNNING{6,0,1,1,84} § MEAS. RUNNING CALIB. RUNNING{6,0,1,1,85} § CALIB. RUNNING MEAS. HALTED{6,0,1,1,86} § MEAS. HALTED WAITING OBJECT{6,0,1,1,87} § WAITING OBJECT Rad. Time:{6,0,1,1,88} § Rad. Time: Rad. Date:{6,0,1,1,89} § Rad. Date: Gain:{6,0,1,1,90} § Gain: Noise:{6,0,1,1,91} § Noise: Sky Tip:{6,0,1,1,92} § Sky Tip: BL-S:{6,0,1,1,93} § BL-S: (Boundary Layer Scan) Elev.:{6,0,1,1,94} § Elev.: Azi.:{6,0,1,1,95} § Azi. : File:{6,0,1,1,96} § File: Rep:{6,0,1,1,97} § Rep: RF:{6,0,1,1,98} § RF: (Rain Flag) P:{6,0,1,1,99} § P: (Pressure) RH:{6,0,1,1,100} § RH: (Relative Humidity) Tar. T:{6,0,1,1,101} § Tar. T: (Target Temp.) Env. T:{6,0,1,1,102} § Env. T: (Environm. Temp.) FAILED{6,0,1,1,103} § FAILED SUCCESS{6,0,1,1,104} § SUCCESS LOCAL{6,0,1,1,105} § LOCAL UTC{6,0,1,1,106} § UTC UNLIMITED{6,0,1,1,107} § UNLIMITED UNKNOWN{6,0,1,1,108} § UNKNOWN L.Time: %02d:%02d:%02d{6,0,1,1,109} § L.Time: %02d:%02d:%02d (format string) Date: %02d-%02d-%04d{6,0,1,1,110} § Date: %02d-%02d-%04d (format string) §---------Other Main Menus-------------- T/D:{6,0,1,2,1} § T/D: (Time/Date) Elev. Angles:{6,0,1,2,2} § Elev. Angles: Time/Date:{6,0,1,2,3} § Time/Date: Frequency:{6,0,1,2,4} § Frequency: Rain:{6,0,1,2,5} § Rain: Az:{6,0,1,2,6} § Az: (Azimuth) Fmin:{6,0,1,2,7} § Fmin: (min. Frequency) Fmax:{6,0,1,2,8} § Fmax: (max. Frequency) Ret.:{6,0,1,2,9} § Ret.: (Retrieval) Min:{6,0,1,2,10} § Min: Max:{6,0,1,2,11} § Max: Offs:{6,0,1,2,12} § Offs: (Offset) W.-Basishöhe:{6,0,1,2,13} § CB Height: Quality:{6,0,1,2,14} § Quality: Reason:{6,0,1,2,15} § Reason: Freez. Level{6,0,1,2,16} § Freez. Level Solid: Isobars [mbar]{6,0,1,2,17} § Solid: Isobars [mbar] Solid: Isotherms [°C]{6,0,1,2,18} § Solid: Isotherms [°C] Solid: Dry Adiabats [°C]{6,0,1,2,19} § Solid: Dry Adiabats [°C] Dashed: Saturated Adiabats [°C]{6,0,1,2,20} § Dashed: Saturated Adiabats [°C] Dashed: Sat. mixing ratio [g/kg]{6,0,1,2,21} § Dashed: Sat. mixing ratio [g/kg] LCL : Lifted Condensation Level{6,0,1,2,22} § LCL : Lifted Condensation Level LFC : Level of Free Convection{6,0,1,2,23} § LFC : Level of Free Convection Temp:{6,0,1,2,24} § Temp: Pressure:{6,0,1,2,25} § Pressure: Altitude:{6,0,1,2,26} § Altitude: Blue : Env. Temperature{6,0,1,2,27} § Blue : Env. Temperature Green : Dewpoint{6,0,1,2,28} § Green : Dewpoint Red : Pseudo-Potential Temperature Tpp-60°C{6,0,1,2,29} § Red : Pseudo-Potential Temperature Tpp-60°C Variation:{6,0,1,2,30} § Variation: Prev.Samples{6,0,1,2,31} § Prev.Samples Match:{6,0,1,2,32} § Match: El / Az:{6,0,1,2,33} § El / Az: Track Period:{6,0,1,2,34} § Track Period: Next Track:{6,0,1,2,35} § Next Track: Activity:{6,0,1,2,36} § Activity: Navig. File:{6,0,1,2,37} § Navig. File: Data File:{6,0,1,2,38} § Data File: Current Sat.#{6,0,1,2,39} § Current Sat.# Sats:{6,0,1,2,40} § Sats: Ambient 1:{6,0,1,2,41} § Ambient 1: Ambient 2:{6,0,1,2,42} § Ambient 2: Stab. Rec.1:{6,0,1,2,43} § Stab. Rec.1: Stab. Rec.2:{6,0,1,2,44} § Stab. Rec.2: Flash Disk:{6,0,1,2,45} § Flash Disk: Rec.1 Channels:{6,0,1,2,46} § Rec.1 Channels: Rec.2 Channels:{6,0,1,2,47} § Rec.2 Channels: Rain Flag:{6,0,1,2,48} § Rain Flag: Dew Blower:{6,0,1,2,49} § Dew Blower: BL-Mode:{6,0,1,2,50} § BL-Mode: Skydip Cal.:{6,0,1,2,51} § Skydip Cal.: Gain Cal.:{6,0,1,2,52} § Gain Cal.: Noise Cal.:{6,0,1,2,53} § Noise Cal.: ND Rec.1:{6,0,1,2,54} § ND Rec.1: ND Rec.2:{6,0,1,2,55} § ND Rec.2: R1 Temp. Stab.:{6,0,1,2,56} § R1 Temp. Stab.: R2 Temp. Stab.:{6,0,1,2,57} § R2 Temp. Stab.: Power Failure:{6,0,1,2,58} § Power Failure: Amb.Tar. Stab.:{6,0,1,2,59} § Amb.Tar. Stab.: Attenuation:{6,0,1,2,60} § Attenuation: Hum. Profile:{6,0,1,2,61} § Hum. Profile: Temp. Profile:{6,0,1,2,62} § Temp. Profile: Temp. Profile BL:{6,0,1,2,63} § Temp. Profile BL: Rel. Hum. Prof.:{6,0,1,2,64} § Rel. Hum. Prof.: Liqu. Water Prof.:{6,0,1,2,65} § Liqu. Water Prof.: Quality Management:{6,0,1,2,66} § Quality Management: Remove Interferences:{6,0,1,2,67} § Remove Interferences: Long.:{6,0,1,2,68} § Long.: Lat.:{6,0,1,2,69} § Lat.: §-----------Main Menu Subs---------------- = not evaluated{6,0,1,3,1} § = not evaluated = highest quality{6,0,1,3,2} § = highest quality = reduced quality{6,0,1,3,3} § = reduced quality = low data quality{6,0,1,3,4} § = low data quality = channel ok{6,0,1,3,5} § = channel ok = channel malfunction{6,0,1,3,6} § = channel malfunction = no rain{6,0,1,3,7} § = no rain = raining{6,0,1,3,8} § = raining = low speed{6,0,1,3,9} § = low speed = high speed{6,0,1,3,10} § = high speed = BL scan not active{6,0,1,3,11} § = BL scan not active = BL scan active{6,0,1,3,12} § = BL scan active = not running{6,0,1,3,13} § = not running = skydip in progress{6,0,1,3,14} § = skydip in progress = cal. in progress{6,0,1,3,15} § = cal. in progress = diode working{6,0,1,3,16} § = diode working = diode malfunction{6,0,1,3,17} § = diode malfunction = stabilized{6,0,1,3,18} § = stabilized = not stabilized{6,0,1,3,19} § = not stabilized = not enough data available{6,0,1,3,20} § = not enough data available = no failure{6,0,1,3,21} § = no failure = recent failure{6,0,1,3,22} § = recent failure = stable{6,0,1,3,23} § = stable = not stable{6,0,1,3,24} § = not stable §--------------------Shortcut Menus (1.st part)----------------------------- ID:{6,0,2,0,1} § ID: (Identification) Volts (Hot):{6,0,2,0,2} § Volts (Hot): Volts (Cold):{6,0,2,0,3} § Volts (Cold): Calibration Cycle:{6,0,2,0,4} § Calibration Cycle: Msg.:{6,0,2,0,5} § Msg.: (Message) GPS Long.:{6,0,2,0,6} § GPS Long.: GPS Lat.:{6,0,2,0,7} § GPS Lat.: Location:{6,0,2,0,8} § Location: Location Archive:{6,0,2,0,9} § Location Archive: GPS Date:{6,0,2,0,10} § GPS Date: GPS Time:{6,0,2,0,11} § GPS Time: Azi. Scan Span:{6,0,2,0,12} § Azi. Scan Span: Misalignm.:{6,0,2,0,13} § Misalignm.: (Real Azimuth -- Pos. Azimuth){6,0,2,0,14} § (Real Azimuth -- Pos. Azimuth) Sun{6,0,2,0,15} § Sun: Moon{6,0,2,0,16} § Moon: Mercury{6,0,2,0,17} § Mercury: Venus{6,0,2,0,18} § Venus: Mars{6,0,2,0,19} § Mars: Jupiter{6,0,2,0,20} § Jupiter: Saturn{6,0,2,0,21} § Saturn: Uranus{6,0,2,0,22} § Uranus: Neptune{6,0,2,0,23} § Neptune: Fixed Star{6,0,2,0,24} § Fixed Star: Right Ascension:{6,0,2,0,25} § Right Ascension: Declination:{6,0,2,0,26} § Declination: Azimuth counted CCW:{6,0,2,0,27} § Azimuth counted CCW: 0°: North, 90°: West{6,0,2,0,28} § 0°: North, 90°: West 180°: South, 270°: East{6,0,2,0,29} § 180°: South, 270°: East <CTRL+C>: CANCEL{6,0,2,0,30} § <CTRL+C>: CANCEL (full range){6,0,2,0,31} § (full range) Receiver:{6,0,2,0,32} § Receiver: Source Directory:{6,0,2,0,33} § Source Directory: Target Directory:{6,0,2,0,34} § Target Directory: Receiver 1 #{6,0,2,0,35} § Receiver 1 # Receiver 2 #{6,0,2,0,36} § Receiver 2 # Calibration List:{6,0,2,0,37} § Calibration List: Calibration Type:{6,0,2,0,38} § Calibration Type: Hot/Cold Temp.:{6,0,2,0,39} § Hot/Cold Temp.: Date/Time:{6,0,2,0,40} § Date/Time: Atm. Press.:{6,0,2,0,41} § Atm. Press.: Env. Temp.:{6,0,2,0,42} § Env. Temp.: Gain:{6,0,2,0,43} § Gain: System Noise:{6,0,2,0,44} § System Noise: Noise Diode:{6,0,2,0,45} § Noise Diode: Alpha:{6,0,2,0,46} § Alpha: NO CAL.{6,0,2,0,47} § NO CAL. ABSOLUTE{6,0,2,0,48} § ABSOLUTE SKY-TIPPING{6,0,2,0,49} § SKY-TIPPING Previous Calibration{6,0,2,0,50} § Previous Calibration Current Calibration{6,0,2,0,51} § Current Calibration Results{6,0,2,0,52} § Results Communication problem with radiometer detected!{6,0,2,0,53} § Communication problem with radiometer detected! Break occurred in communication routine:{6,0,2,0,54} § Break occurred in communication routine: Resuming new connection in {6,0,2,0,55} § Resuming new connection in Select Files from List:{6,0,2,0,56} § Select Files from List: <<SUCCESS>>{6,0,2,0,57} § <<SUCCESS>> No Slave present{6,0,2,0,58} § No Slave present No Host controlled azimuth axis selected{6,0,2,0,59} § No Host controlled azimuth axis selected No connection required{6,0,2,0,60} § No connection required Scanning COM ports for radiometer(s){6,0,2,0,61} § Scanning COM ports for radiometer(s) Scanning{6,0,2,0,62} § Scanning Connecting to radiometer in progress...{6,0,2,0,63} § Connecting to radiometer in progress... Baudrate programming failed! Connection not established.{6,0,2,0,64} § Baudrate programming failed! Connection not established. Radiometer does not respond! Connection not established.{6,0,2,0,65} § Radiometer does not respond! Connection not established. Connection successfully established. Baudrate adjusted.{6,0,2,0,66} § Connection successfully established. Baudrate adjusted. Connection successfully established.{6,0,2,0,67} § Connection successfully established. Driving azimuth to reference position...{6,0,2,0,68} § Driving azimuth to reference position... Correct baudrate detected!{6,0,2,0,69} § Correct baudrate detected! Azimuth controller does not respond!{6,0,2,0,70} § Azimuth controller does not respond! Scanning Azimuth Controller COM%d for Baudrate.{6,0,2,0,71} § Scanning Azimuth Controller COM%d for Baudrate. Trying %d...{6,0,2,0,72} § Trying %d... Max. Alt.: {6,0,2,0,73} § Max. Alt.: Station Alt.: {6,0,2,0,74} § Station Alt.: CMP.TPC Cubic Spline Lower Limit:{6,0,2,0,75} § CMP.TPC Cubic Spline Lower Limit: Station:{6,0,2,0,76} § Station: Selected Data Directory:{6,0,2,0,77} § Selected Data Directory: Quicklooks Directory:{6,0,2,0,78} § Quicklooks Directory: QL Period:{6,0,2,0,79} § QL Period: Station Name:{6,0,2,0,80} § Station Name: Radiometer System:{6,0,2,0,81} § Radiometer System: Rad. Serial Number:{6,0,2,0,82} § Rad. Serial Number: Station Altitude [m]:{6,0,2,0,83} § Station Altitude [m]: Station Longitude:{6,0,2,0,84} § Station Longitude: Station Latitude:{6,0,2,0,85} § Station Latitude: netCDF Convention:{6,0,2,0,86} § netCDF Convention: Comments:{6,0,2,0,87} § Comments: Av. Depth:{6,0,2,0,88} § Av. Depth: step resolution: 0.1°{6,0,2,0,89} § step resolution: 0.1° Type:{6,0,2,0,90} § Type: Threshold:{6,0,2,0,91} § Threshold: Slave Thresh.:{6,0,2,0,92} § Slave Grenzw.: Angular resolution: %4.2f°{6,0,2,0,93} § Angular resolution: %4.2f° (Multiple of %4.2f°){6,0,2,0,94} § (Multiple of %4.2f°) step resolution: %4.2f°{6,0,2,0,95} § step resolution: %4.2f° Zenith{6,0,2,0,96} § Zenith Bilateral{6,0,2,0,97} § Bilateral CHI^2{6,0,2,0,98} § CHI^2 Correlation{6,0,2,0,99} § Correlation Instruments:{6,0,2,0,100} § Instruments: no retrieval required{6,0,2,0,101} § no retrieval required (press <return> for retrieval display){6,0,2,0,102} § (press <return> for retrieval display) Level 0:{6,0,2,0,103} § Level 0: Level 1:{6,0,2,0,104} § Level 1: Level 2:{6,0,2,0,105} § Level 2: Const. Elev. Angle:{6,0,2,0,106} § Const. Elev. Angle: Const. Azi. Angle:{6,0,2,0,107} § Const. Azi. Angle: Const. IRR Angle:{6,0,2,0,108} § Const. IRR Angle: Elevation Range: {6,0,2,0,109} § Elevation Range: 0°-90°: main quadrant{6,0,2,0,110} § 0°-90°: main quadrant 90°-180°: second quadrant{6,0,2,0,111} § 90°-180°: second quadrant Azimuth Range: {6,0,2,0,112} § Azimuth Range: 0°-360° (if Azi. Pos. inst.){6,0,2,0,113} § 0°-360° (if Azi. Pos. inst.) Start Angle:{6,0,2,0,114} § Start Angle: Stop Angle:{6,0,2,0,115} § Stop Angle: Incr. Angle:{6,0,2,0,116} § Incr. Angle: (Multiple of 0.1 DEG){6,0,2,0,117} § (Multiple of 0.1 DEG) Samples / Pos.:{6,0,2,0,118} § Samples / Pos.: Definitions are only applicable for: BRT, IWV, LWP, HKD, IRT {6,0,2,0,119} § Definitions are only applicable for: BRT, IWV, LWP, HKD, IRT Start Scan:{6,0,2,0,120} § Start Scan: Stop Scan:{6,0,2,0,121} § Stop Scan: Trigger Period:{6,0,2,0,122} § Trigger Period: Object:{6,0,2,0,123} § Object: Lowest Elevation to Start Scan:{6,0,2,0,124} § Lowest Elevation to Start Scan: Lowest Elevation to Stop Scan:{6,0,2,0,125} § Lowest Elevation to Stop Scan: Offset Ang.:{6,0,2,0,126} § Offset Ang.: Cal. Interval:{6,0,2,0,127} § Cal. Interval: (all scans are limited!){6,0,2,0,128} § (all scans are limited!) Filename Interval:{6,0,2,0,129} Filename Interval:Apply Name convention:{6,0,2,0,130} § Name convention: Filename:{6,0,2,0,131} § Filename: Seconds:{6,0,2,0,132} § Seconds: (20000 max.){6,0,2,0,133} § (20000 max.) Stop Date:{6,0,2,0,134} § Stop Date: Stop Time:{6,0,2,0,135} § Stop Time: For scanning, 'Number of Seconds' and {6,0,2,0,136} § For scanning, 'Number of Seconds' and 'Stop Date/Time' are ignored!{6,0,2,0,137} § 'Stop Date/Time' are ignored! Local Time Shift [h]:{6,0,2,0,138} § Local Time Shift [h]: Humidity Threshold:{6,0,2,0,139} § Humidity Threshold: only usefull with Azimuth opt.{6,0,2,0,140} § only usefull with Azimuth opt. and after north alignment{6,0,2,0,141} § and after north alignment MDF Name:{6,0,2,0,142} § MDF Name: Batch File:{6,0,2,0,143} § Batch File: Batch Repetition:{6,0,2,0,144} § Batch Repetition: MDF List (100 MDFs max.):{6,0,2,0,145} § MDF List (100 MDFs max.): Please Drag and Drop Items to the MDF List!{6,0,2,0,146} § Please Drag and Drop Items to the MDF List! Start Date:{6,0,2,0,147} § Start Date: Start Time:{6,0,2,0,148} § Start Time: §--------------------Shortcut Menus (2.nd part)----------------------------- Channel 1:{6,0,2,1,1} § Channel 1: Channel 2:{6,0,2,1,2} § Channel 2: Channel 3:{6,0,2,1,3} § Channel 3: Channel 4:{6,0,2,1,4} § Channel 4: Channel 5:{6,0,2,1,5} § Channel 5: Channel 6:{6,0,2,1,6} § Channel 6: Channel 7:{6,0,2,1,7} § Channel 7: MW-Position:{6,0,2,1,8} § MW-Position: Motion Status:{6,0,2,1,9} § Motion Status: IRR-Position:{6,0,2,1,10} § IRR-Position: Steps:{6,0,2,1,11} § Steps: Target Angle:{6,0,2,1,12} § Target Angle: Azimuth Steps:{6,0,2,1,13} § Azimuth Steps: Position:{6,0,2,1,14} § Position: 90 DEG: Zenith, -90 DEG: Ambient Temp. Target{6,0,2,1,15} § 90 DEG: Zenith, -90 DEG: Ambient Temp. Target Azimuth: 0° -- 360°{6,0,2,1,16} § Azimuth: 0° -- 360° Angular resolution: 0.1 DEG{6,0,2,1,17} § Angular resolution: 0.1 DEG 180 DEG: horizontal (Azimuth=180 DEG){6,0,2,1,18} § 180 DEG: horizontal (Azimuth=180 DEG) 90 DEG: Zenith,{6,0,2,1,19} § 90 DEG: Zenith, 0 DEG: horizontal (Azimuth=0 DEG){6,0,2,1,20} § 0 DEG: horizontal (Azimuth=0 DEG) Angular resolution: 0.15 DEG{6,0,2,1,21} § Angular resolution: 0.15 DEG Samples:{6,0,2,1,22} § Samples: Rec.1:{6,0,2,1,23} § Rec.1: Rec.2:{6,0,2,1,24} § Rec.2: Ch.1:{6,0,2,1,25} § Ch.1: Ch.2:{6,0,2,1,26} § Ch.2: Ch.3:{6,0,2,1,27} § Ch.3: Ch.4:{6,0,2,1,28} § Ch.4: Measured samples: {6,0,2,1,29} § Measured samples: Measurement time:{6,0,2,1,30} § Measurement time: Span:{6,0,2,1,31} § Span: Time:{6,0,2,1,32} § Time: Offset:{6,0,2,1,33} § Offset: Slope:{6,0,2,1,34} § Slope: Minimum Temp.:{6,0,2,1,35} § Minimum Temp.: Action:{6,0,2,1,36} § Action: Status:{6,0,2,1,37} § Status: Inclination Sensor:{6,0,2,1,38} § Inclination Sensor: Rain Sensor:{6,0,2,1,39} § Rain Sensor: Humidity Sensor:{6,0,2,1,40} § Humidity Sensor: Noise Switching 1:{6,0,2,1,41} § Noise Switching 1: Noise Switching 2:{6,0,2,1,42} § Noise Switching 2: Elevation Encoder:{6,0,2,1,43} § Elevation Encoder: Elev. Resolution:{6,0,2,1,44} § Elev. Resolution: IRR Interface:{6,0,2,1,45} § IRR Interface: Amb. T. Sensors:{6,0,2,1,46} § Amb. T. Sensors: GPS Clock:{6,0,2,1,47} § GPS Clock: Full Dicke Switch:{6,0,2,1,48} § Full Dicke Switch: Switch Delay [ms]:{6,0,2,1,49} § Switch Delay [ms]: Second IR Radiom.:{6,0,2,1,50} § Second IR Radiom.: Invert Noise Inject.:{6,0,2,1,51} § Invert Noise Inject.: Rec.1 T. Readout:{6,0,2,1,52} § Rec.1 T. Readout: Rec.2 T. Readout:{6,0,2,1,53} § Rec.2 T. Readout: IRR El. Positioner:{6,0,2,1,54} § IRR El. Positioner: Overhead [%]:{6,0,2,1,55} § Overhead [%]: Filter Depth:{6,0,2,1,56} § Filter Depth: No. of Com. Lines:{6,0,2,1,57} § No. of Com. Lines: Embedded PC:{6,0,2,1,58} § Embedded PC: New Time:{6,0,2,1,59} § New Time: New Date:{6,0,2,1,60} § New Date: GPS Time:{6,0,2,1,61} § GPS Time: GPS Date:{6,0,2,1,62} § GPS Date: Hour{6,0,2,1,63} § Hour Minute{6,0,2,1,64} § Minute Sec.{6,0,2,1,65} § Sec. Year{6,0,2,1,66} § Year Month{6,0,2,1,67} § Month Day{6,0,2,1,68} § Day Min IRT:{6,0,2,1,69} § Min IRT: Max IRT:{6,0,2,1,70} § Max IRT: Min IWV:{6,0,2,1,71} § Min IWV: Max IWV:{6,0,2,1,72} § Max IWV: Min LWP:{6,0,2,1,73} § Min LWP: Max LWP:{6,0,2,1,74} § Max LWP: Fixed El:{6,0,2,1,75} § Fixed El: Fixed Az:{6,0,2,1,76} § Fixed Az: IRT Variation:{6,0,2,1,77} § IRT Variation: IWV Variation:{6,0,2,1,78} § IWV Variation: Cloud Coverage:{6,0,2,1,79} § Cloud Coverage: Display Speed:{6,0,2,1,80} § Display Speed: D/T:{6,0,2,1,81} § D/T: Map #:{6,0,2,1,82} § Map #: Retrieval:{6,0,2,1,83} § Retrieval: Channel:{6,0,2,1,84} § Channel: Calibration Status:{6,0,2,1,85} § Calibration Status: Date/Time:{6,0,2,1,86} § Date/Time: Linear Correlation:{6,0,2,1,87} § Linear Correlation: Chi^2:{6,0,2,1,88} § Chi^2: Tau:{6,0,2,1,89} § Tau: Tip Curve Calibration Details:{6,0,2,1,90} § Tip Curve Calibration Details: Calibration Status: SUCCESS{6,0,2,1,91} § Calibration Status: SUCCESS Calibration Status: FAILED{6,0,2,1,92} § Calibration Status: FAILED Chi^2 Values:{6,0,2,1,93} § Chi^2 Values: Linear Correlations:{6,0,2,1,94} § Linear Correlations: Date: %02d|%02d|%04d Time: %02d:%02d:%02d{6,0,2,1,95} § Date: %02d|%02d|%04d Time: %02d:%02d:%02d %6.3f GHz: %5.2f SUCCESS{6,0,2,1,96} § %6.3f GHz: %5.2f SUCCESS %6.3f GHz: %5.2f FAILED{6,0,2,1,97} § %6.3f GHz: %5.2f FAILED %6.3f GHz: %8.6f{6,0,2,1,98} § %6.3f GHz: %8.6f Act. Channel:{6,0,2,1,99} § Act. Channel: First Calib.:{6,0,2,1,100} § First Calib.: Last Calib.:{6,0,2,1,101} § Last Calib.: Next Calib.:{6,0,2,1,102} § Next Calib.: Samples:{6,0,2,1,103} § Samples: Other Calibration Files:{6,0,2,1,104} § Other Calibration Files: Retrieval Type:{6,0,2,1,105} § Retrieval Type: Product:{6,0,2,1,106} § Product: Customer Code:{6,0,2,1,107} § Customer Code: Version Number:{6,0,2,1,108} § Version Number: Data Base:{6,0,2,1,109} § Data Base: Retrieval based on:{6,0,2,1,110} § Retrieval based on: Cloud Analysis:{6,0,2,1,111} § Cloud Analysis: Customer ID:{6,0,2,1,112} § Customer ID: Radiosondes:{6,0,2,1,113} § Radiosondes: Retriev. Validity:{6,0,2,1,114} § Retriev. Validity: Other Topics:{6,0,2,1,115} § Other Topics: number of inter-{6,0,2,1,116} § number of inter- mediate knots:{6,0,2,1,117} § mediate knots: CAL. FAILED{6,0,2,1,118} § CAL. FAILED CAL.SUCCESS{6,0,2,1,119} § CAL.SUCCESS Start Date/Time:{6,0,2,1,120} § Start Date/Time: End Date/Time:{6,0,2,1,121} § End Date/Time: Day:{6,0,2,1,122} § Day: Month:{6,0,2,1,123} § Month: Year:{6,0,2,1,124} § Year: Second:{6,0,2,1,125} § Second: Minute:{6,0,2,1,126} § Minute: Hour:{6,0,2,1,127} § Hour: Integration Samples for Averaging Filter:{6,0,2,1,128} § Integration Samples for Averaging Filter: Clipping Difference Threshold:{6,0,2,1,129} § Clipping Difference Threshold: Maximum Spike Length [Samples]:{6,0,2,1,130} § Maximum Spike Length [Samples]: License ID is stored in file LicID.DAT{6,0,2,1,131} § License ID is stored in file LicID.DAT (Radiometer Root Directory){6,0,2,1,132} § (Radiometer Root Directory) Get license ID file from radiometer and send the file LicID.DAT to RPG. The {6,0,2,1,133} § Get license ID file from radiometer and send the file LicID.DAT to RPG. The license code for an unlimited license will then be returned. Enter this code {6,0,2,1,134} § license code for an unlimited license will then be returned. Enter this code below (you must be connected to the radiometer) and send it.{6,0,2,1,135} § below (you must be connected to the radiometer) and send it. Enter License Code:{6,0,2,1,136} § Enter License Code: This operation is reserved for{6,0,2,1,137} § This operation is reserved for authorized personal only!{6,0,2,1,138} § authorized personal only! Please enter password:{6,0,2,1,139} § Please enter password: TP-BL Repetition:{6,0,2,1,140} § TP-BL Repetition: §-----------------------Open File Menus------------------------------ Start Recording:{6,0,3,0,1} § Start Recording: End Recording:{6,0,3,0,2} § End Recording: Time Reference:{6,0,3,0,3} § Time Reference: Date (D:M:Y):{6,0,3,0,4} § Date (D:M:Y): Time (H:M:S):{6,0,3,0,5} § Time (H:M:S): Duration:{6,0,3,0,6} § Duration: Altitude Layers:{6,0,3,0,7} § Altitude Layers: Altitudes:{6,0,3,0,8} § Altitudes: Number of Frequencies:{6,0,3,0,9} § Number of Frequencies: Freq. List:{6,0,3,0,10} § Freq. List: Frequency:{6,0,3,0,11} § Frequency: Number of Elevation Ang.:{6,0,3,0,12} § Number of Elevation Ang.: Humidity:{6,0,3,0,13} § Humidity: W.-Speed:{6,0,3,0,14} § W.-Speed: W.-Dir.:{6,0,3,0,15} § W.-Dir.: Index-Axis:{6,0,3,0,16} § Index-Axis: CAPE-Axis:{6,0,3,0,17} § CAPE-Axis: L-Index{6,0,3,0,18} § L-Index KO-Index{6,0,3,0,19} § KO-Index TT-Index{6,0,3,0,20} § TT-Index K-Index{6,0,3,0,21} § K-Index S-Index{6,0,3,0,22} § S-Index CAPE-Index{6,0,3,0,23} § CAPE-Index Attenuation:{6,0,3,0,24} § Attenuation: Brightness T.:{6,0,3,0,25} § Brightness T.: BTs:{6,0,3,0,26} § BTs: Index:{6,0,3,0,27} § Index: Radiosonde{6,0,3,0,28} § Radiosonde LW-Density:{6,0,3,0,29} § LW-Density: Numerical header lines to be ignored:{6,0,3,0,30} § Numerical header lines to be ignored: Column: {6,0,3,0,31} § Column: Radiom. Alt.: {6,0,3,0,32} § Radio. Alt.: Current Entry:{6,0,3,0,33} § Current Entry: Entry Name:{6,0,3,0,34} § Entry Name: Unit:{6,0,3,0,35} § Unit: Satellite Number:{6,0,3,0,36} § Satellite Number: Lowest Elevation Angle:{6,0,3,0,37} § Lowest Elevation Angle: Lowest Azimuth Angle:{6,0,3,0,38} § Lowest Azimuth Angle: Highest Azimuth Angle:{6,0,3,0,39} § Highest Azimuth Angle: Processing MD-File:{6,0,3,0,40} § Processing MD-File: Process:{6,0,3,0,41} § Process: MDF / MBF directory:{6,0,3,0,42} § MDF / MBF directory: (drag and drop){6,0,3,0,43} § (drag and drop) Baud Rate:{6,0,3,0,44} § Baud Rate: Size:{6,0,3,0,45} § Size: Transmitting File:{6,0,3,0,46} § Transmitting File: # of Bytes in File:{6,0,3,0,47} § # of Bytes in File: Total # of Bytes:{6,0,3,0,48} § Total # of Bytes: Transfer Rate:{6,0,3,0,49} § Transfer Rate: # of Files:{6,0,3,0,50} § # of Files: Elapsed Time:{6,0,3,0,51} § Elapsed Time: Total Time:{6,0,3,0,52} § Total Time: %d Bytes / sec.{6,0,3,0,53} § %d Bytes / sec. %d Bytes (%d{6,0,3,0,54} § %d Bytes (%d IRR-File:{6,0,3,0,55} § IRR-File: MET-File:{6,0,3,0,56} § MET-File: Base Name:{6,0,3,0,57} § Base Name: Working on:{6,0,3,0,58} § Working on: Double-click on list for update{6,0,3,0,59} § Double-click on list for update Select LV1 Data Path in the 'Brightness Temperature Data File' box!{6,0,3,0,60} § Select LV1 Data Path in the 'Brightness Temperature Data File' box! Integration periods are taken from 'Products' menu of the MDF-definition menu!{6,0,3,0,61} § Integration periods are taken from 'Products' menu of the MDF-definition menu! Y-Axis Min.:{6,0,3,0,62} § Y-Axis Min.: Y-Axis Max.:{6,0,3,0,63} § Y-Axis Max.: §------------------------------------------------------------------- § 7. Panels §------------------------------------------------------------------- §-----------------------Main Menu------------------------------ All{7,0,1,1,1} § All %d sec{7,0,1,1,2} § %d sec %d min{7,0,1,1,3} § %d min sec{7,0,1,1,4} § sec (Second) min{7,0,1,1,5} § min (Minute) hrs{7,0,1,1,6} § hrs (hours) CONTINUOUS{7,0,1,1,7} § CONTINUOUS NEVER{7,0,1,1,8} § NEVER REQUIRED{7,0,1,1,9} § REQUIRED NOT REQUIRED{7,0,1,1,10} § NOT REQUIRED REQUIRED (RHP){7,0,1,1,11} § REQUIRED (RHP) Moving elevation mirror back to scene...{7,0,1,1,12} § Moving elevation mirror back to scene... Calibration cancelled!{7,0,1,1,13} § Calibration cancelled! No response to cold load. Calibr. terminated!{7,0,1,1,14} § No response to cold load. Calibr. terminated! No noise diode response. Calibr. terminated!{7,0,1,1,15} § No noise diode response. Calibr. terminated! Calibration successfull! Save? (Continue / Cancel){7,0,1,1,16} § Calibration successfull! Save? (Continue / Cancel) Calibration aborted!{7,0,1,1,17} § Calibration aborted! Calibration saved!{7,0,1,1,18} § Calibration saved! Now calculating calibration parameters...{7,0,1,1,19} § Now calculating calibration parameters... Moving elevation mirror to ambient target...{7,0,1,1,20} § Moving elevation mirror to ambient target... Change to Ambient Target and press 'Continue'!{7,0,1,1,21} § Change to Ambient Target and press 'Continue'! Now integrating on ambient temp. target...{7,0,1,1,22} § Now integrating on ambient temp. target... Change to Cold Target and press 'Continue'!{7,0,1,1,23} § Change to Cold Target and press 'Continue'! Moving mirror to cold target...{7,0,1,1,24} § Moving mirror to cold target... Now integrating on cold target...{7,0,1,1,25} § Now integrating on cold target... Adding noise to receiver inputs...{7,0,1,1,26} § Adding noise to receiver inputs... Moving elevation mirror back to ambient target...{7,0,1,1,27} § Moving elevation mirror back to ambient target... Moving calibration mirror to internal target...{7,0,1,1,28} § Moving calibration mirror to internal target... Now integrating on internal ambient temp. target...{7,0,1,1,29} § Now integrating on internal ambient temp. target... Adding noise to internal target...{7,0,1,1,30} § Adding noise to internal target... Calibrating Noise Diodes on Ambient Target...{7,0,1,1,31} § Calibrating Noise Diodes on Ambient Target... Calibrating Dicke Switches on Ambient Target...{7,0,1,1,32} § Calibrating Dicke Switches on Ambient Target... Calibrating Dicke Switches on Cold Target...{7,0,1,1,33} § Calibrating Dicke Switches on Cold Target... Buffering data on embedded PC...{7,0,1,1,34} § Buffering data on embedded PC... Writing buffered data to DOM...{7,0,1,1,35} § Writing buffered data to DOM... not moving{7,0,1,1,36} § All moving{7,0,1,1,37} § All DISABLED{7,0,1,1,38} § DISABLED Receiver 1 Detector{7,0,1,1,39} § Receiver 1 Detector Receiver 2 Detector {7,0,1,1,40} § Receiver 1 Detector Ambient Temp. Target{7,0,1,1,41} § Ambient Temp. Target Environmental Temp.{7,0,1,1,42} § Environmental Temp. Receiver 1 Temperature{7,0,1,1,43} § Receiver 1 Temperature Receiver 2 Temperature{7,0,1,1,44} § Receiver 2 Temperature Barometric Pressure{7,0,1,1,45} § Barometric Pressure Relative Humidity{7,0,1,1,46} § Relative Humidity integrating...{7,0,1,1,47} § integrating... ready{7,0,1,1,48} § ready UNCAL.{7,0,1,1,49} § UNCAL. CALIB.{7,0,1,1,50} § CALIB. INACTIVE{7,0,1,1,51} § INACTIVE ACTIVATED{7,0,1,1,52} § ACTIVATED Tracking...{7,0,1,1,53} § Tracking... Waiting...{7,0,1,1,54} § Waiting... Satellite Data Valid{7,0,1,1,55} § Satellite Data Valid Satellite Data Not Valid{7,0,1,1,56} § Satellite Data Not Valid using GPS clock sat. vectors{7,0,1,1,57} § using GPS clock sat. vectors using RINEX files{7,0,1,1,58} § using RINEX files #%02d El:%4.1f° Az:%5.1f°{7,0,1,1,59} § #%02d El:%4.1f° Az:%5.1f° %-.1f° / %-.1f° (azimuth cw){7,0,1,1,60} § %-.1f° / %-.1f° (azimuth cw) %5.1f° (turn CCW){7,0,1,1,61} § %5.1f° (turn CCW) %5.1f° (turn CW){7,0,1,1,62} § %5.1f° (turn CW) No MDF{7,0,1,1,63} § No MDF disabled{7,0,1,1,64} § disabled data quality flagged{7,0,1,1,65} § data quality flagged low quality level ignored{7,0,1,1,66} § low quality level ignored low and medium quality levels ignored{7,0,1,1,67} § low and medium quality levels ignored interferences are removed{7,0,1,1,68} § interferences are removed interferences not removed{7,0,1,1,69} § interferences not removed Linear Regression{7,0,1,1,70} § Linear Regression Quadr. Regression{7,0,1,1,71} § Quadr. Regression Neural Network{7,0,1,1,72} § Neural Network TMR{7,0,1,1,73} § TMR RPG-TEMPRO Temperature-Profiler{7,0,1,1,74} § RPG-TEMPRO Temperature-Profiler RPG-HUMPRO Humidity-Profiler{7,0,1,1,75} § RPG-HUMPRO Humidity-Profiler RPG-HATPRO Humidity- and Temperature-Profiler{7,0,1,1,76} § RPG-HATPRO Humidity- and Temperature-Profiler RPG-15/90 GHz Radiometer{7,0,1,1,77} § RPG-15/90 GHz Radiometer RPG-LHATPRO Low Humidity- and Temperature-Profiler{7,0,1,1,78} § RPG-LHATPRO Low Humidity- and Temperature-Profiler RPG-150-90 Two Channel LWP Radiometer{7,0,1,1,79} § RPG-150-90 Two Channel LWP Radiometer RPG-36-90 Two Channel LWP Radiometer{7,0,1,1,80} § RPG-36-90 Two Channel LWP Radiometer RPG-LWP Radiometer{7,0,1,1,81} § RPG-LWP Radiometer RPG-LWP-U90 LWP Radiometer + 90 GHz{7,0,1,1,82} § RPG-LWP-U90 LWP Radiometer + 90 GHz RPG-DP150-90 Dual Pol. 150/90 GHz LWP Radiometer{7,0,1,1,83} § RPG-DP150-90 Dual Pol. 150/90 GHz LWP Radiometer RPG-HALO-KV Humidity- and Temperature-Profiler{7,0,1,1,84} § RPG-HALO-KV Humidity- and Temperature-Profiler RPG-HALO-183 Low Humidity Profiler{7,0,1,1,85} § RPG-HALO-183 Low Humidity Profiler RPG-HALO-119-90, 90 GHz + Temperature-Profiler{7,0,1,1,86} § RPG-HALO-119-90, 90 GHz + Temperature-Profiler RPG-TIP-225, 225 GHz Tau Radiometer{7,0,1,1,87} § RPG-TIP-225, 225 GHz Tau Radiometer RPG-TIP-225-340, 225 / 340 GHz Tau Radiometer{7,0,1,1,88} § RPG-TIP-225-340, 225 / 340 GHz Tau Radiometer RPG-LWP + 72.5 / 82.5 GHz{7,0,1,1,89} § RPG-LWP + 72.5 / 82.5 GHz RPG-LWP + Temperature-Profiler{7,0,1,1,90} § RPG-LWP + Temperature-Profiler Low Humidity-Profiler{7,0,1,1,91} § Low Humidity-Profiler Temp.-Profiler{7,0,1,1,92} § Temp.-Profiler Humid.-Profiler{7,0,1,1,93} § Humid.-Profiler LHumid.-Profiler{7,0,1,1,94} § LHumid.-Profiler NO INSTRUMENT{7,0,1,1,95} § NO INSTRUMENT NO DATA{7,0,1,1,96} § NO DATA Search Ref...{7,0,1,1,97} § Search Ref... Master Port: {7,0,1,1,98} § Master Port: Slave Port: {7,0,1,1,99} § Slave Port: Master Mode: {7,0,1,1,100} § Master Mode: Slave Mode: {7,0,1,1,101} § Slave Mode: Master Message: {7,0,1,1,102} § Master Message: Slave Message: {7,0,1,1,103} § Slave Message: Posi. Port: {7,0,1,1,104} § Posi. Port: Rad. Port: {7,0,1,1,105} § Rad. Port: Message: {7,0,1,1,106} § Message: Mode: {7,0,1,1,107} § Mode: No serial port available!{7,0,1,1,108} § No serial port available! DISCONNECTED{7,0,1,1,109} § DISCONNECTED Radiometer connection failed!{7,0,1,1,110} § Radiometer connection failed! No cable connected to port!{7,0,1,1,111} § No cable connected to port! Data cable connected to port{7,0,1,1,112} § Data cable connected to port Communication not yet established{7,0,1,1,113} § Communication not yet established NO PORT{7,0,1,1,114} § NO PORT Errors Found{7,0,1,1,115} § Errors Found COMs OK!{7,0,1,1,116} § COMs OK! Radiometer connected{7,0,1,1,117} § Radiometer connected CONNECTED{7,0,1,1,118} § CONNECTED Radiometer disconnected by user!{7,0,1,1,119} § Radiometer disconnected by user! AUTO VIEWER ACTIVE{7,0,1,1,120} § AUTO VIEWER ACTIVE MEASUREMENT RUNNING{7,0,1,1,121} § MEASUREMENT RUNNING STANDBY{7,0,1,1,122} § STANDBY CALIBRATING...{7,0,1,1,123} § CALIBRATING... MEASUREMENT HALTED{7,0,1,1,124} § MEASUREMENT HALTED ABSOLUTE CALIBRATION{7,0,1,1,125} § ABSOLUTE CALIBRATION WAITING FOR ASTRO-OBJECT{7,0,1,1,126} § WAITING FOR ASTRO-OBJECT WAITING FOR TRIGGER{7,0,1,1,127} § WAITING FOR TRIGGER Scanning for COM ports and{7,0,1,1,128} § Scanning for COM ports and connected data cables...{7,0,1,1,129} § ACTIVATED Measurement finished!{7,0,1,1,130} § Measurement finished! Measurement terminated!{7,0,1,1,131} § Measurement terminated! HIGH{7,0,1,1,132} § HIGH MEDIUM{7,0,1,1,133} § MEDIUM LOW{7,0,1,1,134} § LOW no comment{7,0,1,1,135} § no comment external interference{7,0,1,1,136} § external interference LWP too high{7,0,1,1,137} § LWP too high channel failure{7,0,1,1,138} § channel failure no retrieval selected{7,0,1,1,139} § no retrieval selected Level 2 data file successfully stored to disk!{7,0,1,1,140} § Level 2 data file successfully stored to disk! Retrieval frequency list inconsistent with brightness temperature data files. Operation aborted!{7,0,1,1,141} § A WVL data file exists but OLC file not found!{7,0,1,1,142} § WVL data file exists but OLC file not found! Retrieval angle list inconsistent with BLB data files. Operation aborted!{7,0,1,1,143} § A OLC data file exists but WVL file not found!{7,0,1,1,144} § OLC data file exists but WVL file not found! At least one of the required retrieval files is missing!{7,0,1,1,145} § At least one of the required retrieval files is missing! Retrieval requires different data file type. Operation aborted!{7,0,1,1,146} § Retrieval requires different data file type. Operation aborted! Selected brightness temperature data file is not valid. Operation aborted!{7,0,1,1,147} § A Selected MET or IRT file is not valid. Operation aborted!{7,0,1,1,148} § Selected MET or IRT file is not valid. Operation aborted! Selection of brightness temperature data file is missing. Operation aborted!{7,0,1,1,149} § A Selection of MET or IRR file is missing. Operation aborted!{7,0,1,1,150} § Selection of MET or IRR file is missing. Operation aborted! No retrieval file selected. Operation aborted!{7,0,1,1,151} § No retrieval file selected. Operation aborted! Selection of source data file is missing. Operation aborted!{7,0,1,1,152} § Selection of source data file is missing. Operation aborted! Initializing...{7,0,1,1,153} § Initializing... Scanning Dirs...{7,0,1,1,154} § Scanning Dirs... Finished!{7,0,1,1,155} § Finished! Terminated!{7,0,1,1,156} § Terminated! %s.MET required but not found!{7,0,1,1,157} § %s.MET required but not found! %s.CBH required but not found!{7,0,1,1,158} § %s.CBH required but not found! %s.LWP required but not found!{7,0,1,1,159} § %s.LWP required but not found! %s.WVL required but not found!{7,0,1,1,160} § %s.WVL required but not found! %s.BRT frequency set not compatible with retrieval file!{7,0,1,1,161} § %s.BRT frequency set not compatible with retrieval file! %s.OLC file required but not found!{7,0,1,1,162} § %s.OLC file required but not found! %s.OLC and %s.WVL not compatible with retrieval!{7,0,1,1,163} § %s.OLC and %s.WVL not compatible with retrieval! <<== Radiometer(s) not properly calibrated!{7,0,1,1,164} § <<== Radiometer(s) not properly calibrated! <<== No Infrared Radiometer found!{7,0,1,1,165} § <<== No Infrared Radiometer found! <<== Retrieved Product + Scanning not allowed!{7,0,1,1,166} § <<== Retrieved Product + Scanning not allowed! <<== Status: OK{7,0,1,1,167} § <<== Status: OK <<== Instrument configuration mismatch!{7,0,1,1,168} § <<== Instrument configuration mismatch! <<== MDF (ver.%4.2f) not compatible with host (ver.%4.2f)!{7,0,1,1,169} § <<== MDF (ver.%4.2f) not compatible with host (ver.%4.2f)! <<== LWP-Retrieval frequency conflict (%-6.3f GHz)!{7,0,1,1,170} § <<== LWP-Retrieval frequency conflict (%-6.3f GHz)! <<== IWV-Retrieval frequency conflict (%-6.3f GHz)!{7,0,1,1,171} § <<== IWV-Retrieval frequency conflict (%-6.3f GHz)! <<== ATN-Retrieval frequency conflict (%-6.3f GHz)!{7,0,1,1,172} § <<== ATN-Retrieval frequency conflict (%-6.3f GHz)! <<== SPC-Retrieval frequency conflict (%-6.3f GHz)!{7,0,1,1,173} § <<== SPC-Retrieval frequency conflict (%-6.3f GHz)! <<== HPT-Retrieval frequency conflict (%-6.3f GHz)!{7,0,1,1,174} § <<== HPT-Retrieval frequency conflict (%-6.3f GHz)! <<== TPT-Retrieval frequency conflict (%-6.3f GHz)!{7,0,1,1,175} § <<== TPT-Retrieval frequency conflict (%-6.3f GHz)! <<== TPB-Retrieval frequency conflict (%-6.3f GHz)!{7,0,1,1,176} § <<== TPB-Retrieval frequency conflict (%-6.3f GHz)! §------------------------------------------------------------------- § 8. Headlines §------------------------------------------------------------------- %s%s (Version %4.2f-%d), Radiometer:%s{8,0,1,1,1} § %s%s (Version %4.2f-%d), Radiometer:%s %s%s (Version %4.2f), Radiometer:%s{8,0,1,1,2} § %s%s (Version %4.2f), Radiometer:%s (License: UNLIMITED){8,0,1,1,3} § (License: UNLIMITED) (License: EXPIRED){8,0,1,1,4} § (License: EXPIRED) (License ends: %02d:%02d:%02d, %02d.%02d.%04d){8,0,1,1,5} § (License ends: %02d:%02d:%02d, %02d.%02d.%04d) Local Settings (netCDF){8,0,1,1,6} § Local Settings (netCDF) Directories and Data Formats{8,0,1,1,7} § Directories and Data Formats Brightness Temperature Data --> Atmospheric Data (Level 1 --> Level 2){8,0,1,1,8} § Brightness Temperature Data --> Atmospheric Data (Level 1 --> Level 2) Save Current Configuration{8,0,1,1,9} § Save Current Configuration Concatenate Data Files{8,0,1,1,10} § Concatenate Data Files Open Data Files{8,0,1,1,11} § Open Data Files Convert Binary to ASCII Format{8,0,1,1,12} § Convert Binary to ASCII Format Convert Binary to netCDF Format{8,0,1,1,13} § Convert Binary to netCDF Format Convert Binary to BUFR Format{8,0,1,1,14} § Convert Binary to BUFR Format Split BRT to WVL and OLC{8,0,1,1,15} § Split BRT to WVL and OLC Frequency Shifts (Oxygen Line){8,0,1,1,16} § Frequency Shifts (Oxygen Line) Cut Connection to Radiometer{8,0,1,1,17} § Cut Connection to Radiometer Define Serial Interface{8,0,1,1,18} § Define Serial Interface Connect to Radiometer{8,0,1,1,19} § Connect to Radiometer Copy Files between Host and Radiometer PC{8,0,1,1,20} § Copy Files between Host and Radiometer PC Perform Absolute Calibration{8,0,1,1,21} § Perform Absolute Calibration Inspect Calibration History{8,0,1,1,22} § Inspect Calibration History Adjust Azimuth Direction by Sun Scans{8,0,1,1,23} § Adjust Azimuth Direction by Sun Scans Define Measurement Parameter Files (MDF and MBF){8,0,1,1,24} § Define Measurement Parameter Files (MDF and MBF) Send Measurement Definition to Radiometer{8,0,1,1,25} § Send Measurement Definition to Radiometer Start Measurement Processing{8,0,1,1,26} § Start Measurement Processing Halt Running Measurement{8,0,1,1,27} § Halt Running Measurement Continue Interrupted Measurement{8,0,1,1,28} § Continue Interrupted Measurement Terminate Running Measurement{8,0,1,1,29} § Terminate Running Measurement Aquire Status Data{8,0,1,1,30} § Aquire Status Data Disable Status Data Display{8,0,1,1,31} § Disable Status Data Display Diagnostics and Manual Control{8,0,1,1,32} § Diagnostics and Manual Control Activate Automatic Viewer{8,0,1,1,33} § Activate Automatic Viewer Continuous File Generation of Current Samples{8,0,1,1,34} § Continuous File Generation of Current Samples Change Instrument{8,0,1,1,35} § Change Instrument License Manager{8,0,1,1,36} § License Manager Web Browser{8,0,1,1,37} § Web Browser Web Server Activation and Settings{8,0,1,1,38} § Web Server Activation and Settings Application Dimensions{8,0,1,1,39} § Application Dimensions Data Filter Functions{8,0,1,1,40} § Data Filter Functions Load {8,0,1,1,41} § Load Temperature Profiles (Full Troposphere) <%s>{8,0,1,1,42} § Temperature Profiles (Full Troposphere) <%s> Temperature Profiles (Boundary Layer) <%s>{8,0,1,1,43} § Temperature Profiles (Boundary Layer) <%s> Absolute Humidity Profiles <%s>{8,0,1,1,44} § Absolute Humidity Profiles <%s> Relative Humidity Profiles <%s>{8,0,1,1,45} § Relative Humidity Profiles <%s> Liquid Water Profiles <%s>{8,0,1,1,46} § Liquid Water Profiles <%s> Oxygen Line Chart <%s>{8,0,1,1,47} § Oxygen Line Chart <%s> Water Vapour Line Chart <%s>{8,0,1,1,48} § Water Vapour Line Chart <%s> Brightness Temperature Chart <%s>{8,0,1,1,49} § Brightness Temperature Chart <%s> Boundary Layer Scan BT Chart <%s>{8,0,1,1,50} § Boundary Layer Scan BT Chart <%s> LWP Chart [g/m^2] <%s>{8,0,1,1,51} § LWP Chart [g/m^2] <%s> IWV Chart [kg/m^2] <%s>{8,0,1,1,52} § IWV Chart [kg/m^2] <%s> Wet Delay [mm] <%s>{8,0,1,1,53} § Wet Delay [mm] <%s> Normalized LWP Map <%s>{8,0,1,1,54} § Normalized LWP Map <%s> Load BRT or LWP Data File{8,0,1,1,55} § Load BRT or LWP Data File Normalized IWV Map <%s>{8,0,1,1,56} § Normalized IWV Map <%s> Load BRT or IWV Data File{8,0,1,1,57} § Load BRT or IWV Data File LWP Hovmoeller Diagram{8,0,1,1,58} § LWP Hovmoeller Diagram Load LWP Data File{8,0,1,1,59} § Load LWP Data File IWV Hovmoeller Diagram{8,0,1,1,60} § IWV Hovmoeller Diagram Load IWV Data File{8,0,1,1,61} § Load IWV Data File IRT Hovmoeller Diagram{8,0,1,1,62} § IRT Hovmoeller Diagram Load IRT Data File{8,0,1,1,63} § Load IRT Data File IRT Map <%s>{8,0,1,1,64} § IRT Map <%s> Load Obstacle Pattern{8,0,1,1,65} § Load Obstacle Pattern Save Obstacle Pattern{8,0,1,1,66} § Save Obstacle Pattern IRT Chart <%s>{8,0,1,1,67} § IRT Chart <%s> Attenuation Chart <%s>{8,0,1,1,68} § Attenuation Chart <%s> Cloud Base Height Chart <%s>{8,0,1,1,69} § Cloud Base Height Chart <%s> Surface Sensor Chart <%s>{8,0,1,1,70} § Surface Sensor Chart <%s> Stability Indices Chart <%s>{8,0,1,1,71} § Stability Indices Chart <%s> Housekeeping Data (HKD) <%s>{8,0,1,1,72} § Housekeeping Data (HKD) <%s> Absolute Calibration History{8,0,1,1,73} § Absolute Calibration History Load Calibration History File{8,0,1,1,74} § Load Calibration History File Radiosonde File Format{8,0,1,1,75} § Radiosonde File Format Load Radiosonde Data File{8,0,1,1,76} § Load Radiosonde Data File Color Axis{8,0,1,1,77} § Color Axis Temp. Axis{8,0,1,1,78} § Temp. Axis IWV Y-Axis{8,0,1,1,79} § IWV Y-Axis LWP Y-Axis{8,0,1,1,80} § LWP Y-Axis Abs. Hum. Axis{8,0,1,1,81} § Abs. Hum. Axis Rel. Hum. Axis{8,0,1,1,82} § Rel. Hum. Axis Axis Min:{8,0,1,1,83} § Axis Min: Axis Max:{8,0,1,1,84} § Axis Max: Radiometer Communication Error{8,0,1,1,85} § Radiometer Communication Error Temperature Profile (Full Troposphere){8,0,1,1,86} § Temperature Profile (Full Troposphere) Temperature Profile (Boundary Layer){8,0,1,1,87} § Temperature Profile (Boundary Layer) Absolute Humidity Profile{8,0,1,1,88} § Absolute Humidity Profile Relative Humidity Profile{8,0,1,1,89} § Relative Humidity Profile Absolute Humidity Time Series{8,0,1,1,90} § Absolute Humidity Time Series Relative Humidity Time Series{8,0,1,1,91} § Relative Humidity Time Series Temperature Time Series (Full Troposphere){8,0,1,1,92} § Temperature Time Series (Full Troposphere) Temperature Time Series (Boundary Layer){8,0,1,1,93} § Temperature Time Series (Boundary Layer) Attenuation Time Series{8,0,1,1,94} § Attenuation Time Series Boundary Layer Scan BT Profile{8,0,1,1,95} § Boundary Layer Scan BT Profile Boundary Layer Scan Time Series{8,0,1,1,96} § Boundary Layer Scan Time Series Brightness Temperature Profile{8,0,1,1,97} § Brightness Temperature Profile Brightness Temperature Time Series{8,0,1,1,98} § Brightness Temperature Time Series Oxygen Line Profile{8,0,1,1,99} § Oxygen Line Profile Oxygen Line Time Series{8,0,1,1,100} § Oxygen Line Time Series Water Vapour Line Profile{8,0,1,1,101} § Water Vapour Line Profile Water Vapour Line Time Series{8,0,1,1,102} § Water Vapour Line Time Series Open Configuration / Batch File{8,0,1,1,103} § Open Configuration / Batch File Save Level 2 File{8,0,1,1,104} § Save Level 2 File Save Concatenated File{8,0,1,1,105} § Save Concatenated File Open Retrieval File{8,0,1,1,106} § Open Retrieval File Open Matrix File{8,0,1,1,107} § Open Matrix File Open Measurement Definition File{8,0,1,1,108} § Open Measurement Definition File Save Measurement Definition File{8,0,1,1,109} § Save Measurement Definition File Save Measurement Definition File (ASCII){8,0,1,1,110} § Save Measurement Definition File (ASCII) Load Measurement Definition Batch File{8,0,1,1,111} § Load Measurement Definition Batch File Save Measurement Definition Batch File{8,0,1,1,112} § Save Measurement Definition Batch File Open Existing Sensor Calibration File{8,0,1,1,113} § Open Existing Sensor Calibration File Open Detector Voltage File{8,0,1,1,114} § Open Detector Voltage File Save Sensor Calibration File{8,0,1,1,115} § Save Sensor Calibration File Save Detector Voltage File{8,0,1,1,116} § Save Detector Voltage File Load Filter Adjustment File{8,0,1,1,117} § Load Filter Adjustment File Save Filter Adjustment File{8,0,1,1,118} § Save Filter Adjustment File Save Filtered File{8,0,1,1,119} § Save Filtered File (Master License: EXPIRED){8,0,1,1,120} § (Master License: EXPIRED) (Slave License: EXPIRED){8,0,1,1,121} § (Slave License: EXPIRED) IWV Time Series{8,0,1,1,122} § IWV Time Series LWP Time Series{8,0,1,1,123} § LWP Time Series IRT Time Series{8,0,1,1,124} § IRT Time Series IWV Azimuth Scan{8,0,1,1,125} § IWV Azimuth Scan LWP Azimuth Scan{8,0,1,1,126} § LWP Azimuth Scan IRT Azimuth Scan{8,0,1,1,127} § IRT Azimuth Scan IWV Hovmoeller Diagram (Elevation: %4.1f°){8,0,1,1,128} § IWV Hovmoeller Diagram (Elevation: %4.1f°) LWP Hovmoeller Diagram (Elevation: %4.1f°){8,0,1,1,129} § LWP Hovmoeller Diagram (Elevation: %4.1f°) IRT Hovmoeller Diagram (Elevation: %4.1f°){8,0,1,1,130} § IRT Hovmoeller Diagram (Elevation: %4.1f°) §------------------------------------------------------------------- § 9. OK-Messages §------------------------------------------------------------------- §-----------------------Page 1------------------------------ Not connected to radiometer!|Operation aborted...|No Connection{9,0,1,1,1} § A Attention: Master radiometer license expired!| |No Valid License{9,0,1,1,2} § A Attention: Slave radiometer license expired!| |No Valid License{9,0,1,1,3} § A Internal MW elevation axis timeout!|Timeout period (15 seconds) expired...|No Response{9,0,1,1,4} § A IRR Elevation axis timeout!|Timeout period (15 seconds) expired...|No Response{9,0,1,1,5} § A Azimuth axis timeout!|Timeout period (30 seconds) expired...|No Response{9,0,1,1,6} § A External MW elevation axis timeout!|Timeout period (60 seconds) expired...|No Response{9,0,1,1,7} § A Could not establish connection to azimuth controller!|Process aborted.|No Connection{9,0,1,1,8} § A Azimuth Controller does not respond!|Check for power and connections.|No Response{9,0,1,1,9} § A Azimuth (Host) position timeout!|Waited 30 seconds to reach target position.|Positioning Timeout{9,0,1,1,10} § A There is no serial port available for|communication with radiometer!|No Port{9,0,1,1,11} § A No data cable found on any port!|Connect data cable to Master radiometer.|No Data Cable{9,0,1,1,12} § A Master radiometer not calibrated!| | {9,0,1,1,13} § A Master radiometer calibration file corrupted!| | {9,0,1,1,14} § A Master radiometer does not respond!| |Connection Failure{9,0,1,1,15} § A Slave radiometer not calibrated!| | {9,0,1,1,16} § A Slave radiometer calibration file corrupted!| | {9,0,1,1,17} § A Slave radiometer does not respond!| |Connection Failure{9,0,1,1,18} § A The calibration file on the radiometer|is corrupted. Process aborted...|Invalid Calibration File{9,0,1,1,19} § A No calibration file found on radiometer PC!| |No File{9,0,1,1,20} § A Satellite tracking RINEX file not found!|Tracking MDF terminated...|No File{9,0,1,1,21} § A Satellite navigation file does not contain|valid entries. Tracking MDF aborted...|No File{9,0,1,1,22} § A Master port 'COM%d' defined in 'R2CH.CFG' has no cable attached to it!|Connect cable to Master radiometer!|No Cable Attached{9,0,1,1,23} § A Master port 'COM%d' defined in 'R2CH.CFG' is not available on this host!|Select a different port!|Port Not Available{9,0,1,1,24} § A Slave port 'COM%d' defined in 'R2CH.CFG' has no cable attached to it!|Connect cable to Slave radiometer!|No Cable Attached{9,0,1,1,25} § A Slave port 'COM%d' defined in 'R2CH.CFG' is not available on this host!|Select a different port!|Port Not Available{9,0,1,1,26} § A Positioner port 'COM%d' specified in 'R2CH.CFG' is not available on this host|or port is occupied by data interface!|Communication Port{9,0,1,1,27} § A Master radiometer license expires at|Time:%02d:%02d:%02d, Date:%02d.%02d.%04d.|License{9,0,1,1,28} § A Slave radiometer license expires at|Time:%02d:%02d:%02d, Date:%02d.%02d.%04d.|License{9,0,1,1,29} § A Floating point error in 'calc_AbsHum_from_Dpt'!|Don't worry, I will handle it...|Exception Handler{9,0,1,1,30} § A New entry added to database.| |Success{9,0,1,1,31} § A No entry name defined!|Process aborted.|No Entry Name{9,0,1,1,32} § A You can't delete the first entry!|Process aborted.|No Valid Entry Name{9,0,1,1,33} § A No valid MDF in MBF list!| |No MDF{9,0,1,1,34} § A Not a valid MDF| |No MDF{9,0,1,1,35} § A MDF file listed in specified MBF could not be found!|Process aborted.|File Mismatch{9,0,1,1,36} § A MDF file could not be found!|Process aborted.|No File{9,0,1,1,37} § A Attention:|%s|Version Mismatch{9,0,1,1,38} § A The selected file is inconsistent!|File loading aborted.|File Inconsistence{9,0,1,1,39} § A The selected file is not a|Temperature Profile Chart!|File Identification{9,0,1,1,40} § A Floating point error in 'calc_absolute_humidity'!|Don't worry, I will handle it...|Exception Handler{9,0,1,1,41} § A Corresponding TPB file is empty!| |No Samples{9,0,1,1,42} § A Composite *.CMP.TPC file|successfully created!|Success{9,0,1,1,43} § A No *.TPC file loaded!| |Error{9,0,1,1,44} § A %s|not found!|Error{9,0,1,1,45} § A License on radiometer has been set to|UNLIMITED|License{9,0,1,1,46} § A The entered password is not correct!|Process aborted...|Invalid Password{9,0,1,1,47} § A License on radiometer is|UNLIMITED|License{9,0,1,1,48} § A License ID file 'LicID.DAT' successfully|stored to radiometer root directory!|File{9,0,1,1,49} § A No valid license ID found on radiometer|Process aborted...|No ID{9,0,1,1,50} § A LicID.DAT not found|Process aborted...|No License ID File{9,0,1,1,51} § A License Code correct!|Radiometer license switched to UNLIMITED.|Success{9,0,1,1,52} § A License Code not correct!|Operation aborted...|Failure{9,0,1,1,53} § A Number of digits in license code not correct!|Operation aborted...|No Connection{9,0,1,1,54} § A License expires at Time:%02d:%02d:%02d, Date:%02d.%02d.%04d.{9,0,1,1,55} § A in %d days, %d hours, %d minutes, %d seconds.{9,0,1,1,56} § A %s|%s|License{9,0,1,1,57} § A Already expired!{9,0,1,1,58} § A The selected file is not a |Stability Indices Data File!|File Identification{9,0,1,1,59} § A To get information about a certain index,|please click on the index label.|Index Information{9,0,1,1,60} § A The selected file is not a|Meteorological Sensor Data File!|File Identification{9,0,1,1,61} § A The selected file is not a|Liquid Water Path (LWP) Chart!|File Identification{9,0,1,1,62} § A The selected file is not a|Water Vapour Profile Chart!|File Identification{9,0,1,1,63} § A This file does not have the correct file ID!|Process aborted...|File ID Incorrect{9,0,1,1,64} § A File inconsistency found!|Further samples ignored...|File Inconsistency{9,0,1,1,65} § A Too many Hovmoeller samples!|File truncated...|File Too Long{9,0,1,1,66} § A Obstacle pattern not compatible with current grid.|No obstacle cells displayed.|Pattern Mismatch{9,0,1,1,67} § A You have not selected an IRT file!| |Abort Operation{9,0,1,1,68} § A Obstacle Pattern File successfully stored to disk!| |File Storage{9,0,1,1,69} § A Obstacle file pattern not compatible|with current grid. Process aborted!|Incompatibility{9,0,1,1,70} § A No map list for display loaded!| |No List{9,0,1,1,71} § A No maps loaded for display!| |No Map List{9,0,1,1,72} § A Data not compatible with 2D-, El- or Az-scans!|Further loading aborted...|Inconsistent Scan{9,0,1,1,73} § A Data not compatible with 2D-scan patterns!|Further loading aborted...|Inconsistent Scan{9,0,1,1,74} § A Data not compatible with Az-scan patterns!|Further loading aborted...|Inconsistent Scan{9,0,1,1,75} § A Data not compatible with El-scan patterns!|Further loading aborted...|Inconsistent Scan{9,0,1,1,76} § A You have not selected an IWV retrieval!| |Abort Operation{9,0,1,1,77} § A Brightness temperature file does not contain|required frequencies for selected retrieval!|Abort Operation{9,0,1,1,78} § A You have not selected an LWP retrieval!| |Abort Operation{9,0,1,1,79} § A Floating point error in 'Retrieve_Attenuation'!|Don't worry, I will handle it...|Exception Handler{9,0,1,1,80} § A Floating point error in 'Level2Process::Calc_Absolute_Humidity'!|Don't worry, I will handle it...|Exception Handler{9,0,1,1,81} § A Floating point error in 'Level2Process::Calc_Relative_Humidity'!|Don't worry, I will handle it...|Exception Handler{9,0,1,1,82} § A %s|retrieval file not found in archive! Can't load it.|No Retrieval File{9,0,1,1,83} § A There are no files selected for transmission!| |File Selection{9,0,1,1,84} § A File(s) successfully copied to radiometer PC!| |Success{9,0,1,1,85} § A File(s) successfully copied to host PC!| |Success{9,0,1,1,86} § A Copy process terminated by user!| |Termination{9,0,1,1,87} § A The specified File is not an|Absolute Calibration History File!|File Identity{9,0,1,1,88} § A New Calibration and History File created!| |New Calibration{9,0,1,1,89} § A Marked calibration is on last position.|Please select one of the previous positions.|Process Aborted{9,0,1,1,90} § A Floating point error in 'Taupunkt'!|Don't worry, I will handle it...|Exception Handler{9,0,1,1,91} § A Floating point error in 'Zero(float Tau,...)'!|Don't worry, I will handle it...|Exception Handler{9,0,1,1,92} § A %s|not found!|No Information{9,0,1,1,93} § A %s|is not a valid *.HPC file!|Incorrect file type{9,0,1,1,94} § A %s|contains no samples!|No Information{9,0,1,1,95} § A Floating point error in 'set_Mon_altitude_axis'!|Don't worry, I will handle it...|Exception Handler{9,0,1,1,96} § A Floating point error in 'set_Comp_altitude_axis'!|Don't worry, I will handle it...|Exception Handler{9,0,1,1,97} § A Floating point error in 'set_Mon_Temperature_axis'!|Don't worry, I will handle it...|Exception Handler{9,0,1,1,98} § A Floating point error in 'set_Comp_Temperature_axis'!|Don't worry, I will handle it...|Exception Handler{9,0,1,1,99} § A Floating point error in 'get_P_from_Y'!|Don't worry, I will handle it...|Exception Handler{9,0,1,1,100} § A Floating point error in 'MoveMouse_Skew_T'!|Don't worry, I will handle it...|Exception Handler{9,0,1,1,101} § A Floating point error in 'get_T'!|Don't worry, I will handle it...|Exception Handler{9,0,1,1,102} § A Floating point error in 'Es_of_T'!|Don't worry, I will handle it...|Exception Handler{9,0,1,1,103} § A Floating point error in 'T_of_Es'!|Don't worry, I will handle it...|Exception Handler{9,0,1,1,104} § A Floating point error in 'Calculate_Stability_Indices'!|Don't worry, I will handle it...|Exception Handler{9,0,1,1,105} § A Floating point error in 'draw_level_TDD'!|Don't worry, I will handle it...|Exception Handler{9,0,1,1,106} § A Floating point error in 'draw_Tpp'!|Don't worry, I will handle it...|Exception Handler{9,0,1,1,107} § A Floating point error in 'Draw_TDD'!|Don't worry, I will handle it...|Exception Handler{9,0,1,1,108} § A The selected file is not an|Oxygen Profile Chart!|File Identification{9,0,1,1,109} § A §-----------------------Page 2------------------------------ Floating point error in 'TransTBtoAD::calc_absolute_humidity'!|Don't worry, I will handle it...|Exception Handler{9,0,1,2,1} § A Floating point error in 'Retrieve_Attenuation'!|Don't worry, I will handle it...|Exception Handler{9,0,1,2,2} § A Corresponding TPB file is empty!| |No Samples{9,0,1,2,3} § A The selected file is not a|Water Vapour Profile Chart!|File Identification{9,0,1,2,4} § A The selected file is not a|Cloud Base Height Data File!|File Identification{9,0,1,2,5} § A Current settings have been added to CS.CFG!| | {9,0,1,2,6} § A Concatenated file successfully stored to disk!| |File Storage{9,0,1,2,7} § A File type is not supported for concatenation!|File concatenation aborted.|Illegal File Type{9,0,1,2,8} § A File types do not match!|Concatenation aborted.|File Type Mismatch{9,0,1,2,9} § A You must specify at least two files|for concatenation!|Not Enough Files Selected{9,0,1,2,10} § A %s|Concatenation aborted...|File Inconsistency{9,0,1,2,11} § A Retrieval File successfully stored!| |Success{9,0,1,2,12} § A Not able to construct retrieval filename!|Version Number not specified.|Missing Information{9,0,1,2,13} § A Not able to construct retrieval filename!|Customer Code not specified.|Missing Information{9,0,1,2,14} § A One or more definition lines missing!|Saving retrieval file aborted.|Missing Information{9,0,1,2,15} § A Nothing to save!|Operation aborted.|Operation not usefull{9,0,1,2,16} § A Frequency definition line 'FR=...' not consistent!|Saving retrieval file aborted.|Inconsistency{9,0,1,2,17} § A Angle definition line 'AG=...' not consistent!|Saving retrieval file aborted.|Inconsistency{9,0,1,2,18} § A Altitude definition line 'AL=...' not consistent!|Saving retrieval file aborted.|Inconsistency{9,0,1,2,19} § A Number of columns in Sensor Linear Coefficient line 'SL=...'|not consistent! Saving retrieval file aborted.|Inconsistency{9,0,1,2,20} § A Number of data lines in Sensor Linear Coefficient line 'SL=...'|not consistent! Saving retrieval file aborted.|Inconsistency{9,0,1,2,21} § A Number of columns in Sensor Quadratic Coefficient line 'SQ=...'|not consistent! Saving retrieval file aborted.|Inconsistency{9,0,1,2,22} § A Number of data lines in Sensor Quadratic Coefficient line 'SQ=...'|not consistent! Saving retrieval file aborted.|Inconsistency{9,0,1,2,23} § A Number of columns in Offset Coefficient line 'OS=...'|not consistent! Saving retrieval file aborted.|Inconsistency{9,0,1,2,24} § A Number of data lines in Offset Coefficient line 'OS=...'|not consistent! Saving retrieval file aborted.|Inconsistency{9,0,1,2,25} § A Number of columns in Linear BT/OT Coefficient line 'TL=...'|not consistent! Saving retrieval file aborted.|Inconsistency{9,0,1,2,26} § A Number of data lines in Linear BT/OT Coefficient line 'TL=...'|not consistent! Saving retrieval file aborted.|Inconsistency{9,0,1,2,27} § A Number of columns in Quadratic BT/OT Coefficient line 'TQ=...'|not consistent! Saving retrieval file aborted.|Inconsistency{9,0,1,2,28} § A Number of data lines in Quadratic BT/OT Coefficient line 'TQ=...'|not consistent! Saving retrieval file aborted.|Inconsistency{9,0,1,2,29} § A Number of columns in NN-Input Matrix Coefficient line 'IM=...'|not consistent! Saving retrieval file aborted.|Inconsistency{9,0,1,2,30} § A Number of data lines in NN-Input Matrix Coefficient line 'TL=...'|not consistent! Saving retrieval file aborted.|Inconsistency{9,0,1,2,31} § A Number of columns in NN-Input Matrix Coefficient line 'TL=...'|not consistent! Saving retrieval file aborted.|Inconsistency{9,0,1,2,32} § A Number of columns in NN-Output Matrix Coefficient line 'OM=...'|not consistent! Saving retrieval file aborted.|Inconsistency{9,0,1,2,33} § A Number of data lines in NN-Output Matrix Coefficient line 'OM=...'|not consistent! Saving retrieval file aborted.|Inconsistency{9,0,1,2,34} § A Please answer with 'Continue' or 'Cancel' first!| |Terminate Calibration{9,0,1,2,35} § A No azimuth positioner installed on this system.|Operation aborted...|No Positioner{9,0,1,2,36} § A Radiometer is not connected to host.|Operation aborted...|No Connection{9,0,1,2,37} § A The sun's elevation angle is too low|for scanning. Operation aborted...|Sun out of Range{9,0,1,2,38} § A New location entry added to archive.| |Location Archive{9,0,1,2,39} § A Location entry has been overwritten successfully!| |Location Archive{9,0,1,2,40} § A Scan terminated by user!| |Abnormal Exit{9,0,1,2,41} § A The selected file is not a|Brightness Temperature Chart!|File Identification{9,0,1,2,42} § A The selected file is not a|Humidity Profile Chart!|File Identification{9,0,1,2,43} § A The selected file is not a|Boundary Layer Scan BT Chart!|File Identification{9,0,1,2,44} § A Floating point error in 'Calc_Cloud_Base_Height'!|Don't worry, I will handle it...|Exception Handler{9,0,1,2,45} § A MDF File successfully stored to disk!| |File Storage{9,0,1,2,46} § A MDF.ASC File successfully stored to disk!| |File Storage{9,0,1,2,47} § A This file is not a Measurement Definition Batch file!| |File Identity{9,0,1,2,48} § A Nothing to save!| |No Entries{9,0,1,2,49} § A Batch file successfully stored!| |Success{9,0,1,2,50} § A No scan selected for DELETE operation!| |Selection Error{9,0,1,2,51} § A No scans selected!| |Selection Error{9,0,1,2,52} § A No frame selected for DELETE operation!| |Selection Error{9,0,1,2,53} § A No frames selected!| |Selection Error{9,0,1,2,54} § A Adjusted the scanning limits and angular|increments for 2D-scanning geometry!|Parameter Change{9,0,1,2,55} § A No scan selected for INSERT operation!| |Selection Error{9,0,1,2,56} § A No start scan selected!| |Selection Error{9,0,1,2,57} § A No stop scan selected!| |Selection Error{9,0,1,2,58} § A No scan selected for DISPLAY operation!| |Selection Error{9,0,1,2,59} § A No frame selected for DISPLAY operation!| |Selection Error{9,0,1,2,60} § A No scan selected for EDIT operation| |Selection Error{9,0,1,2,61} § A Adjusted the scanning limits and angular|increments for 2D-scanning geometry!|Parameter Change{9,0,1,2,62} § A No frame selected for EDIT operation!| |Selection Error{9,0,1,2,63} § A No frame selected for INSERT operation!| |Selection Error{9,0,1,2,64} § A Select IWV, LWP and ATN products first!| |Product Activation{9,0,1,2,65} § A MDF file (version %4.2f) not compatible with current software version %4.2f!|Please re-define MDF file with new version.|Version Conflict{9,0,1,2,66} § A Scan #%d has been successfully overwritten|with new specified parameters!|Edit Operation{9,0,1,2,67} § A Frame #%d has been successfully overwritten|with new start/stop scans!|Edit Operation{9,0,1,2,68} § A File '%s' is not a|Measurement Definition File (MDF)!|File Identity{9,0,1,2,69} § A The selected file is not an|Integrated Water Vapour (IWV) Chart!|File Identification{9,0,1,2,70} § A The selected file is not an|Infrared Radiometer Data File!|File Identification{9,0,1,2,71} § A Corresponding TPC file is empty!| |No Samples{9,0,1,2,72} § A Cloud Base Height *.CBH file|successfully created!|Success{9,0,1,2,73} § A No *.IRT file loaded!| |Error{9,0,1,2,74} § A The selected file is not a|Liquid Water Profile Chart!|File Identification{9,0,1,2,75} § A Frequency band 1 was not activated|in the MDF!|Frequency Band Disabled{9,0,1,2,76} § A Frequency band 2 was not activated|in the MDF!|Frequency Band Disabled{9,0,1,2,77} § A The file '%s' is not a valid|calibration data file!|File Format{9,0,1,2,78} § A Specified Date and Time is|out of range. Please check...|Out of Range{9,0,1,2,79} § A Specified File is not a Sensor Calibration File!| |File Identity{9,0,1,2,80} § A Sensor reading is zero!| |Sensor Defect{9,0,1,2,81} § A P1 and P2 are identical. This is not allowed!| |Calibration Conflict{9,0,1,2,82} § A T1 and T2 are identical. This is not allowed!| |Calibration Conflict{9,0,1,2,83} § A H1 and H2 are identical. This is not allowed!| |Calibration Conflict{9,0,1,2,84} § A No samples to save!| |Saving File...{9,0,1,2,85} § A File does not exist or is not a detector voltage file!| |Reading File...{9,0,1,2,86} § A Radiometer PC is rebooted and connection terminated.|Wait a minute until reconnecting...|Rebooting Radiometer{9,0,1,2,87} § A Master Radiometer PC is rebooted and connection terminated.|Wait a minute until reconnecting...|Rebooting Radiometer{9,0,1,2,88} § A Power failure RECOVERY mode activated on radiometer!| |Power Failure Recovery{9,0,1,2,89} § A Power failure RECOVERY mode activated on Master radiometer!| |Power Failure Recovery{9,0,1,2,90} § A Power failure RECOVERY mode disabled on radiometer!| |Power Failure Recovery{9,0,1,2,91} § A Power failure RECOVERY mode disabled on Master radiometer!| |Power Failure Recovery{9,0,1,2,92} § A All MDFs removed from radiometer!| |Remove MDFs{9,0,1,2,93} § A MDF File Logging activated on Master radiometer!| |File Logging{9,0,1,2,94} § A MDF File Logging activated on Slave radiometer!| |File Logging{9,0,1,2,95} § A MDF File Logging disabled on Master radiometer!| |File Logging{9,0,1,2,96} § A MDF File Logging disabled on Slave radiometer!| |File Logging{9,0,1,2,97} § A Radiometer time/date set to specified values!| |Time Adjustment{9,0,1,2,98} § A No GPS clock installed on radiometer!|Operation aborted...|No GPS Clock{9,0,1,2,99} § A Radiometer time/date set to specified values!| |Time Adjustment{9,0,1,2,100} § A §-----------------------Page 3------------------------------ No GPS clock installed on Slave radiometer!|Operation aborted...|No GPS Clock{9,0,1,3,1} § A Slave radiometer PC is rebooted and connection terminated.|Wait a minute until reconnecting...|Rebooting Radiometer{9,0,1,3,2} § A All MDFs removed from Slave radiometer!| |Remove MDFs{9,0,1,3,3} § A Power failure RECOVERY mode activated on Slave radiometer!| |Power Failure Recovery{9,0,1,3,4} § A Power failure RECOVERY mode disabled on Slave radiometer!| |Power Failure Recovery{9,0,1,3,5} § A Sensor calibration file successfully|updated on radiometer PC.|Calibration Update{9,0,1,3,6} § A Radiometer configuration file successfully|updated on radiometer PC.|Configuration Update{9,0,1,3,7} § A Radiometer shift file successfully|updated on radiometer PC.|Configuration Update{9,0,1,3,8} § A The selected file is not a|Filter Adjustment File!|File Identification{9,0,1,3,9} § A Filter Adjustment File successfully stored to disk!| |File Storage{9,0,1,3,10} § A xxx.LV0.NC successfully stored to disk!| |Save netCDF File{9,0,1,3,11} § A xxx.STA.NC successfully stored to disk!| |Save netCDF File{9,0,1,3,12} § A xxx.HKD.NC successfully stored to disk!| |Save netCDF File{9,0,1,3,13} § A xxx.MET.NC successfully stored to disk!| |Save netCDF File{9,0,1,3,14} § A xxx.BLB.NC successfully stored to disk!| |Save netCDF File{9,0,1,3,15} § A xxx.TPC.NC successfully stored to disk!| |Save netCDF File{9,0,1,3,16} § A xxx.TPB.NC successfully stored to disk!| |Save netCDF File{9,0,1,3,17} § A xxx.HPC.NC successfully stored to disk!| |Save netCDF File{9,0,1,3,18} § A xxx.LPR.NC successfully stored to disk!| |Save netCDF File{9,0,1,3,19} § A xxx.ATN.NC successfully stored to disk!| |Save netCDF File{9,0,1,3,20} § A xxx.BRT.NC successfully stored to disk!| |Save netCDF File{9,0,1,3,21} § A xxx.IWV.NC successfully stored to disk!| |Save netCDF File{9,0,1,3,22} § A xxx.LWP.NC successfully stored to disk!| |Save netCDF File{9,0,1,3,23} § A xxx.IRR.NC successfully stored to disk!| |Save netCDF File{9,0,1,3,24} § A xxx.CBH.NC successfully stored to disk!| |Save netCDF File{9,0,1,3,25} § A xxx.WVL.NC successfully stored to disk!| |Save netCDF File{9,0,1,3,26} § A xxx.OLC.NC successfully stored to disk!| |Save netCDF File{9,0,1,3,27} § A BUFR file successfully stored to disk!| |Save BUFR File{9,0,1,3,28} § A The selected file has only one sample.|File loading aborted.|File Too Small{9,0,1,3,29} § A The selected file is not a|Housekeeping Data File!|File Identification{9,0,1,3,30} § A Communication with radiometer(s) has not been initialized.|Use 'Connect'-command first!|Communication Link{9,0,1,3,31} § A Measurement finished!| | {9,0,1,3,32} § A Measurement terminated!| | {9,0,1,3,33} § A Floating point error in 'Form1::calc_absolute_humidity'!|Don't worry, I will handle it...|Exception Handler{9,0,1,3,34} § A Floating point error in 'Form1::calc_relative_humidity'!|Don't worry, I will handle it...|Exception Handler{9,0,1,3,35} § A Conversion/Concat threads are still running.|Please wait to exit until jobs are finished.|Background Threads Active{9,0,1,3,36} § A Data Transfer thread is still running.|Please wait to exit until jobs are finished.|Background Threads Active{9,0,1,3,37} § A File list conversion thread is still running.|Please wait to exit until jobs are finished.|Background Threads Active{9,0,1,3,38} § A Auto conversion (LV1-->LV2) thread is still running.|Please wait to exit until jobs are finished.|Background Threads Active{9,0,1,3,39} § A Please terminate AutoViewer before leaving!| |AutoViewer Still Running{9,0,1,3,40} § A Could not find any calibration history|file CAL*.LOG!|No Calibration Record{9,0,1,3,41} § A Configuration file R2CH.CFG successfully updated!| |Save Configuration{9,0,1,3,42} § A Remaining radiometer PC flash memory is close to its limit|Please purge measurement files from radiometer PC!|ALERT{9,0,1,3,43} § A Background file list threads are currently running!|Wait until finished or terminated.|Background Threads{9,0,1,3,44} § A To get information about a certain Index,|double click on the respective index dispay panel.|Stability Index Info{9,0,1,3,45} § A Help file not found.| |Help{9,0,1,3,46} § A Sorry, the translation file for this|language is currently not installed!|Abort Operation{9,0,1,3,47} § A WS.CPW successfully overwritten|with new settings.|Success{9,0,1,3,48} § A Please enter a client password first!| |No Entry{9,0,1,3,49} § A Please enter an instrument ID first!| |No Entry{9,0,1,3,50} § A File conversion terminated by user.| |Terminate Conversion{9,0,1,3,51} § A All selected files converted to NetCDF format.| |Type Conversion{9,0,1,3,52} § A All selected files converted to BUFR format.| |Type Conversion{9,0,1,3,53} § A All selected files converted to WVL/OLC format.| |Type Conversion{9,0,1,3,54} § A All selected files converted to ASCII format.| |Type Conversion{9,0,1,3,55} § A ASCII file conversion terminated by user.| |Terminate Conversion{9,0,1,3,56} § A netCDF file conversion terminated by user.| |Terminate Conversion{9,0,1,3,57} § A BUFR file conversion terminated by user.| |Terminate Conversion{9,0,1,3,58} § A WVL/OLC file conversion terminated by user.| |Terminate Conversion{9,0,1,3,59} § A R2CH.CFG configuration file not compatible with|current software version. Using defaults!|R2CH.CFG File Version Mismatch{9,0,1,3,60} § A See 'FileAccessErrors.LOG' file!{9,0,1,3,61} § A Master azimuth drive timeout!{9,0,1,3,62} § A Slave azimuth drive timeout!{9,0,1,3,63} § A Master main controller not responding!{9,0,1,3,64} § A Master elevation stepper not responding!{9,0,1,3,65} § A Slave main controller not responding!{9,0,1,3,66} § A Slave elevation stepper not responding!{9,0,1,3,67} § A Master Software Sub-Version Mismatch!{9,0,1,3,68} § A Master Software Version Mismatch!{9,0,1,3,69} § A Slave Software Sub-Version Mismatch!{9,0,1,3,70} § A Slave Software Version Mismatch!{9,0,1,3,71} § A Sorry, the selected retrieval also requires|surface sensor data. Operation aborted... |Terminate Operation{9,0,1,3,72} § A §------------------------------------------------------------------- § 10. Decide Dialogues §------------------------------------------------------------------- Are you sure to overwrite the current location entry?| |Overwrite{10,0,1,1,1} § A Are you sure to delete the current location entry?| |Delete{10,0,1,1,2} § A Do you really want to change|the current settings?|Change Sky Tipping Settings{10,0,1,1,3} § A Do you really want to change|the current settings?|Change Standard Cal. Settings{10,0,1,1,4} § A Do you want to reset 24h displays?| |Reset Displays{10,0,1,1,5} § A Do you really want to stop the|AutoViewer process?|Terminate AutoViewer{10,0,1,1,6} § A You really want to terminate|the file concatenation process?|Terminate{10,0,1,1,7} § A Do you want to overwrite all|Editor entries?|Overwrite Editor Content{10,0,1,1,8} § A Retrieval File '%s' already exists!|Overwrite it?|Overwrite Retrieval File{10,0,1,1,9} § A Really want to overwrite current calibration parameters|in host memory?|Overwrite{10,0,1,1,10} § A Are you sure to reset the embedded radiometer PC?|The connection to the host will be terminated.|Reboot Radiometer PC{10,0,1,1,11} § A Are you sure to reset the Slave embedded radiometer PC?|The connection to the Slave will be terminated.|Reboot Slave PC{10,0,1,1,12} § A You really want to overwrite|the radiometer's Sensor Calibration?|Overwrite File{10,0,1,1,13} § A You really want to overwrite|the radiometer's Configuration?|Overwrite File{10,0,1,1,14} § A You really want to overwrite|the frequency shift file?|Overwrite File{10,0,1,1,15} § A You really want to overwrite|the current client password file (WS.CPW)?|Overwrite File{10,0,1,1,16} § A Do you really want to interrupt the|running measurements on the radiometer?|Halt Measurement{10,0,1,1,17} § A Do you really want to terminate the|running measurements on the radiometer?|Terminate Measurement{10,0,1,1,18} § A Do you really want to cut the|connection to radiometer?|Cut Connection{10,0,1,1,19} § A You really want to leave the program?| |Leave Program{10,0,1,1,20} § A Do you really want to reset the 24 hour|humidity profile display?|Reset Display{10,0,1,1,21} § A Do you really want to reset the 24 hour|temperature profile display?|Reset Display{10,0,1,1,22} § A Do you really want to reset the 24 hour|liquid water profile display?|Reset Display{10,0,1,1,23} § A Do you confirm to reset the 24 hour|IWV display?|Reset Display{10,0,1,1,24} § A Do you really want to reset the 24 hour|LWP display?|Reset Display{10,0,1,1,25} § A Do you really want to reset the 24 hour|surface sensor displays?|Reset Display{10,0,1,1,26} § A You really want to delete|the File Access Error LOG file?|Delete File{10,0,1,1,27} § A Are you sure to delete the entry|%s from the database?|Confirmation{10,0,1,1,28} § A You really want to truncate|the calibration history file?|Truncate File{10,0,1,1,29} § A You really want to terminate|the auto-transformation process?|Terminate{10,0,1,1,30} § A You really want to delete|all measurement files?|Delete File(s){10,0,1,1,31} § A You really want to delete|all selected files from Master radiometer?|Delete File(s){10,0,1,1,32} § A §------------------------------------------------------------------- § 11. Diagram Axis §------------------------------------------------------------------- Frequency [GHz]{11,0,1,1,1} § Frequency [GHz] Time{11,0,1,1,2} § Time Brightness Temp. [K]{11,0,1,1,3} § Brightness Temp. [K] IR Temp. [°C]{11,0,1,1,4} § IR Temp. [°C] Elevation [°]{11,0,1,1,5} § Elevation [°] Attenuation [dB]{11,0,1,1,6} § Attenuation [dB] Ti:{11,0,1,1,7} § Ti: Da:{11,0,1,1,8} § Da: Altitude [km]{11,0,1,1,9} § Altitude [km] Absolute Humidity [g/m^3]{11,0,1,1,10} § Absolute Humidity [g/m^3] Relative Humidity [%]{11,0,1,1,11} § Relative Humidity [%] LW-Density [g/m^3]{11,0,1,1,12} § LW-Density [g/m^3] P [mbar]{11,0,1,1,13} § P [mbar] Temp. {11,0,1,1,14} § Temp. Rel.Hum. [%]{11,0,1,1,15} § Rel.Hum. [%] W.Sp. [km/h]{11,0,1,1,16} § W.Sp. [km/h] Wind Dir.{11,0,1,1,17} § Wind Dir. Barometric Pressure [mbar]{11,0,1,1,18} § Barometric Pressure [mbar] Index [K]{11,0,1,1,19} § Index [K] Receiver Stability [K]{11,0,1,1,20} § Receiver Stability [K] Flash Memory [kBytes]{11,0,1,1,21} § Flash Memory [kBytes] GPS Position [Lat/Long]{11,0,1,1,22} § GPS Position [Lat/Long] Azimuth Angle [°]{11,0,1,1,23} § Azimuth Angle [°] §------------------------------------------------------------------- § 12. Attention Messages §------------------------------------------------------------------- Archiving Data Files:{12,0,1,1,1} § Archiving Data Files: Archiving{12,0,1,1,2} § Archiving Archiving & Concat.{12,0,1,1,3} § Archiving & Concat. Converting Data Files (ASCII/BUFR):{12,0,1,1,4} § Converting Data Files (ASCII/BUFR): Converting Data Files (netCDF):{12,0,1,1,5} § Converting Data Files (netCDF): Concat. CS Files:{12,0,1,1,6} § Concat. CS Files: Archiving CS Files:{12,0,1,1,7} § Archiving CS Files: Converting CS Files (ASCII/BUFR):{12,0,1,1,8} § Converting CS Files (ASCII/BUFR): Converting CS Files (netCDF):{12,0,1,1,9} § Converting CS Files (netCDF): Convert{12,0,1,1,10} § Convert Concat{12,0,1,1,11} § Concat Attention{12,0,1,1,12} § Attention §------------------------------------------------------------------- § 13. Others §------------------------------------------------------------------- <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<GPS satellite positions read from GPS clock (valid)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>{13,0,1,1,1} § A <<<<<<<<<<<<<GPS satellite positions read from GPS clock (not valid)>>>>>>>>>>>>>{13,0,1,1,2} § A <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Satellite positions read from RINEX file>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>{13,0,1,1,3} § A GPS Satellite Locations{13,0,1,1,4} § A Number of GPS Satellites: %d{13,0,1,1,5} § A Satno.:%d, Elevation: %-.1f°, Azimuth: %-.1f°{13,0,1,1,6} § A Calibration Results: {13,0,1,1,7} § A Import Radiosonde Files{13,0,1,1,8} § A Sending MDF/MBF to Radiometer{13,0,1,1,9} § A Data Display Menus{13,0,1,1,10} § A Sky Scanning Displays{13,0,1,1,11} § A Automatic Viewer{13,0,1,1,12} § A AutoViewer: Scanning Files...{13,0,1,1,13} § A AutoViewer: Halted...{13,0,1,1,14} § A AutoViewer: Processing Data...{13,0,1,1,15} § A Define Data Directories{13,0,1,1,16} § A See Slave Data{13,0,1,1,17} § A Diagnostics and manual control (Slave Radiometer){13,0,1,1,18} § A Diagnostics and manual control (Master Radiometer){13,0,1,1,19} § A calib.{13,0,1,1,20} § calib. (calibrated) Converting to ASCII...{13,0,1,1,21} § A Converting to netCDF...{13,0,1,1,22} § A Converting to BUFR...{13,0,1,1,23} § A Converting to WVL/OLC...{13,0,1,1,24} § A Data Filters{13,0,1,1,25} § A BREAK DETECTED{13,0,1,1,26} § BREAK DETECTED Independent Diagrams{13,0,1,1,27} § A Synchronize Diagrams{13,0,1,1,28} § A NONE{13,0,1,1,29} § A No Batch (single MDF){13,0,1,1,30} § A (%d Channels) {13,0,1,1,31} § A Airmass{13,0,1,1,32} § A Optical Thickness (*1000){13,0,1,1,33} § A Detector Voltage [mV]{13,0,1,1,34} § A Channel Voltage [V]{13,0,1,1,35} § A Frequency Shifts:{13,0,1,1,36} § A