Areas of Application
RPG Radiometer physics GmbH offers microwave and sub-mm radiometers for a wide range of applications. We deliver turn-key systems with fully functional software control and data acquisition with state-of-the-art technology.
Our microwave radiometers are used for measurements of
- Vertical profiles of atmospheric temperature (up to 10 km)
- High-precision vertical profiles of boundary-layer temperature
- Vertical profiles of atmospheric humidity (up to 10 km, absolute and relative humidity)
- Column-integrated total amount of water vapour (IWV, integrated water vapour, kg/m²)
- Column-integrated total amount of liquid water (LWP, liquid water path, kg/m²)
- Vertical profiles of cloud liquid water (limited resolution)
- Atmospheric stability (now-casting of convection, thunderstorms)
- Measurement of fog
- Zenith and slant path wet delay, dry delay, total delay
- Attenuation of radio-propagation
- Soil moisture, snow- and vegetation cover